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About Jiggy-Z

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  1. Get out there. The weather is nice in the am. Ive been putting in 90+ mile weekends and some sprints and hills during the week. All the stress I have been under brought me down to 177lbs from 205 in the winter. It makes a huge difference.
  2. Oof. Reminds me of TCU game a couple of years ago. Offense could do nothing...can do nothing.
  3. How about we neither buy or sell and shut the fuck up until the season is done before we start with this kind of talk.
  4. Back in my mid 40's, about 10 years ago, I started paying more attention to my health for a period of time. I got on a modified paleo type of diet that was really easy for me at the time. I didn't have any really horrible habits, so for me it was a matter of cutting out the simple carbs and hitting the protein and vegetables a little harder. That diet was part of the Mark's Daily Apple protocol, which also inluded walking or other light movements for 3 to 5 hours per week, some body weight excercises, and some sprinting every 7 to 10 days. It was all very effective and simple and I got down to the mid 170s and as a 48 to 52 year old man, I could do more than I could in my 20's, except for super high intensity stuff like running a mile in under 5 minutes or shorter equivalents I mention this for the body weight stuff, because in my early 50s there was some joint pain that flared up and I had to modify things but I didn't. Only this summer at 57, did I humble myself and started working out with light dumbbell work, not with any plan, but just to do something other than sitting on my ass. My joints would be sore and I felt like I was over the hill and a wreck. But gradually, the soreness went down and my body adapted so I could do slighly more weight or more reps. It was really amazing when you drop expectations and deadlines what can happen. I am talking very light weight like 25lbs dumbell bench press and the like. I mention this so that if you are discouraged or intimidated by losing weight or getting strong, just start by doing some things that don't hurt too much and stick with them. And rather than have expectations of losing 2 to 3 lbs per week. Lower that and just try to feel better and give it time.
  5. Down to 177 from 205 in the winter. Gave up drinking in late June and only cheated a few times. No cheating going forward. May never touch the stuff again or waste another minute of my life drunk or hungover. I have been cycling and doing some dumbell stuff at home. If you read the divorce, jobs, or between the ears threads, you will lnow that I am under a lot of stress right now and it likely to continue for a couple of years. I do not recommmend for weight loss.
  6. This thread terrifies me. As 57 year old with concrete construction management ex.perience and also still holding his CPA liscence (I have not practiced in over 25 years), I'm sure there are options for some grunt work. I feel like I am tainted since I was self employed for so long and my company was not all that successful given the time and place I was in. I kind of feel like a fraud. I am in a dark place now. My business partner wants to quit but will keep going, but we need some new work and I just dont feel like I can go forward and it seems like I cant quit.
  7. Just got bloodwork back. Blood sugar is 114 or pre diabetic. If you read the other topics on this board you will see that I am under a tremendous amount of stress rigjt now: Possible divorce. Closing my business Looking for new job at 57 Possible sale of 2 properties. Dad died last year and i need to care care if some things there. Kids in house 16 to 18...not sure what to expect. Been getting 3 to 5 hours sleep the last 2 weeks. So I imagine my numbers are going to be elevated. I already excercise and could only lose 10 lbs max. No sodas or sugary drinks in my life. Cut out bananas, pasta, rice, breakfast cereal? Any ideas on the effect of stress?
  8. Seeing the Dr. Thursday for annual. Still can't sleep and even when I can, I'm sure it's not great. It's been like this for a week now. I am paralyzed with fear of the future and present, while still being able to recall every fuck up from the past that got me here. There is so much unknown right now. Im in a pretty dark place. I can usually sleep through anything and go to bed right away, but not now.
  9. Need a good rec for testosterone check and gp. I haven't been to the Dr. In years and the last couple I have been just a lump. I stoll work out amd ride my bike, but I am reaping the consequences of sloth. The wife is probably going to divorce me over cumulative marriage issues that I just didn't address. Ive been to Total Mens, but not sure if that is any good. Life is very stressful right now and I cant sleep and it is affecting my judgement, so any otc sleep stuff recommendations would be great too.
  10. I am the sales guy. The company is really nothing more than some equipment, some receivables, and cash and a few relationships. If I were starting a company like mine, I wouldn't buy it...just grow it by hiring and making conections.
  11. Great comments. I will try to answer some questions and elaborate. I have not put any feelers out to other businesses in the area, but I am encouraged by the comments. After talking to a commercial developer yesterday, I am a quite a bit less optimistic about the value of the office/land. Realistically, I could sell as is for 1M max and lease for for 10K/m max. But depending on desperation factors maybe half that. Our concrete business does commercial and residential work. Our largest job to date was $5 million and we just finished on that was 1.6. So there have been some good times for sure. Because of the long term nature and the stress of big jobs, I have been concentrating on warehouse finish outs etc., but the money not great. I want to stay married, wife wants out. I have been checked out for a couple of years. We are going to counseling, but I think her problems with me run prettty deep. We have two high school boys as well and we are not sure what their plans are. So there is a lot going on all at once and it is pretty stressful, especially because these issues were caused by poor planning and problem avoidance.
  12. I own a business (concrete constru tion) and my business partner wants to quit. He is 72 and I am 57. The business has kind of diminished over the years and is really not worth anything without us running it, except for some salvaged equipment. I own the business office and land and have been told it is worth between 2-2.5 million. I am a CPA, but have not practiced in decades as my job duties were estimating and project managemnt in the concrete construction business. My old 401k is light about 130g. My wife and I have a nice house, but it is too big and we want to get out of Texas and sell it and pocket the difference for retirement and ollege fund. My wife is seriously contemplating divorce right now as seen in the divorce thread. I haven't slept well in awhile and this job has worn me out. I am contemplating my options. Will anyone even hire someone like me?
  13. We had the same major and everything. We really have a connection.
  14. Let's take the ball an shove it into their Upper Laguna Madre.
  15. Back in 77 they didn’t do the 1 like in the picture above. The appendage at the top was on the the very top rather than the second from the top, kind of like a 7.
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