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  1. MS 150 is in the books. Thanks to those who donated. Resting is over and will get back to riding tomorrow. Nasty headwind on Saturday. Completely demoralizing. Thinking of doing that Lukemia charity ride around Lake Tahoe next year. Anybody done it?
  2. I think the actual act had little to do with anything political since it occurred before she even thought about public office. However, there was never any reason at all to disclose it, since it could be denied and never proven. Really just an unforced error or failure to read the room or worse. Killing an animal like a dog, can be a particularly brutal act when you actually have to do it or whitness it. There are many opportunities to stop and reevaluate. Different times, but I watched my grandmother execute a puppy back in the 80s for no reason other than the pound was 40 miles away and it was a stray. I was in charge of the burial. I found the deceased bound with wire on both legs with a gunshot wound to the head. Grandma was a lifelong Democrat that would give you the shirt off her back. I took it that this was not the first time this had happened since they were close to the highway and railroad out in the country of South Texas. My mother told me a story from her childhood where her two pet puppies gorged themselves on chick's when left unattended. Their punishment was to be bound up in a sack and thrown in the river by her dad. How many of us on the board whacked squirrels or birds with our pellet guns when growing up? Not me, but I'm sure many of you have and felt the appropriate amount of shame and regret at doing so, and certainly wouldn't want to disclose that to anyone. Weird things happen in the country sometimes, especially more than a few decades ago. This whole disclosure seems odd, almost to the point where I don't think we are getting the real story. At any rate, this did not go the way she thought it would.
  3. Baldwin got the Emmy for that scene. Also 30 had an incredible list of guest stars and semi regulars. Alan Alda, Rip Torn, Tim Conway, Carrie Fischer, Steve Martin, AL Gore, Condoleezza Rice, Nancy Pelosi, Jennifer Aniston, Bryan Cranston, NBC News crew, Betty White, all of Liz's boyfriends and Jack's girlfriends, James Franco, Jerry Seinfeld, Conan, Oprah, Paul McCartney, LL Cool J, Tom Hanks, Whoopi, Paul Giamatti, Emma Stone etc. The best ones were when the guest star played a fictional character rather than just themselves. With all the different scenarios and things going on in NYC, they could have kept that show going forever. It gets better every time I rewatch it. For comparison, I was a big fan of Lost during its run, but I have no desire to go back and watch any of it. Probably my favorite sitcom of all time with Arrested Development. To me, Modern Family and PNR were just different takes on the Office. Growing up and into my 30s, I feel really fortunate to have seen such groundbreaking sit com formats with such talented casts. MASH to Cheers to Seinfeld to The Office to Arrested Development to 30 Rock. There is a lot of great stuff in between, but the above shows reinvented the format and executed it with generational talent, writing, and timelessness.
  4. Ludachristmas was the name of the episode. Now, are you in or out of this Disney cruise?
  5. Started in 1985 and the "shanty" got wrecked all the time, if you can call it that, since it looked pretty bad to begin with. The frat guys always got blamed, so I just went with that. Growing up in Austin, I went to the drag and west mall all the time, especially in high school and I don't even remember seeing the shanty then. I remember a couple of protests I had to shuffle through, but no big deal. The most annoying thing were the pamphletiers that were on campus. The Jews for Jesus guys were especially pushy. Not sure why I got the treatment. I guess it was the blond hair and blue eyes with a pagan smirk on my face that drew them in. I also remember my Antisemitism in History and Literature professor, who was Jewish, hated that group in particular based on the stupidity of the idea alone. That was a different time and I'm pretty sure the administration thought all of the South Africa stuff was cute compared to all the Vietnam protests just a few years earlier. Also, the Texas economy was in the shitter back then, so we were all just fighting to stay employed.
  6. Not only that, but humanitarian crisis unfolding was entirely foreseen and disclosed months ago. I know very little of the nuances in the region but could easily see what was going to happen even given the limited information that was spoon fed to me.
  7. What he has earned is a seat at the kids table. Sometimes you just need to keep quiet.
  8. How common is it for a president to have a "fixer"?
  9. New year's eve 2003, wife and I and another couple closed the place down. When we got outside, some dude and his girlfriend tried to sell us a bunch of scented candles. So random. Wife bought like $50 worth. Probably should cross post to the wives thread.
  10. Someone should have convinced her not to buy that tomahawk.
  11. Noticeed Lots (5)of dead rattlesnek on the road shoulder during the MS 150 last weekend. Maybe they are chasing those fuzzy little black caterpillars.
  12. Alberto for me. I like how you can kind of take a break in the middle of tying it if you want to, whereas with other knots, you better not lose concentration or move a single one of your fingers, otherwise the whole thing explodes and you lose your place and start over.
  13. Mentioned before, but Barton Creek greenbelt for the climbing. Hey, it's not Smith Rock or Red River Gorge, but there are some cool routes in there and so close to everything.
  14. Welcome to my world. My two youngest boys are 16 and 18, and it has been a competition to see who can have the ugliest stupid fucking haircut for going on 3 years now.
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