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Everything posted by demos

  1. Listen to a lot less sports radio because they spend so much time on it and I don’t care.
  2. Hope he doesn’t turn it over to his family.
  3. Oh it’s common is it? Better let the wife know.
  4. The same people’s idea who couldn’t figure out how to build and operate a miniature train.
  5. About to be punting that entire station I would assume.
  6. Haven’t watched a heisman ceremony in 18 years. Who gives a fuck.
  7. Well that’s one (the tire slasher) we won’t have to worry whether or not Garza will prosecute.
  8. Just one? Some upper classmen threw a dead skunk through the window of the HS principal’s office. They had picked it up off the road and drove to the school with it in the car. Their car was puke and dead skunk. The high school stank for a couple of weeks. Some of the same guys were running a train on a girl in the school bus parked on the elementary school playground, which was next to the football field. Bunch of people were watching them. Our freshmen class was some kind of field trip that day (forget where) so we missed it.
  9. Maybe Sumlin was the bag man all along.
  10. They don’t. Just look at Congress. They put a protected turn lane at 5th but not at 7th, which is the street people turn down to get to 35. Made no sense. And without the 3rd lane, now traffic stacks up because of people wanting to be in the right hand lane to turn onto 6th.
  11. What’s the point of being the Jones if you’re not going to pay for good coaching.
  12. You forgot about the campus gloryholes
  13. Colder than a well digger’s butt
  14. Fuck you, you don’t tell me how to play.
  15. You’re not supposed to drive. You’re supposed to ride your bike or walk.
  16. That sweet, sweet ticket revenue. Got a new truck stop now too.
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