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Posts posted by JSB

  1. Just spoke with someone who said it was shipping in the next 3 business days.  I'm hoping for the best, but even at the worst, I can either dispute the payment, or sell it for $100. Even if it is shitty, I can sell it pretty quick for what I paid I think. If it sucks, I'm looking for a Pescador pro

  2. My phone broke today (speaker no longer works) and had to buy a new one. Damn near $900, just 2 weeks after I had to spend the same to get my wife a new phone. I know technology is a ton better than it used to be, but what happened to the free phone with contract days?

  3. I don’t have one yet. My father had a 69 t-bird which looked ghetto as hell, but had an awesome paint job. I learned a lot on that car, and now have the budget and space to get a classic car myself. It won’t be a t-bird, but I’m getting very excited for the auctions coming to Dallas in the next month or so.

    My checklist is American so I can work on it and find parts when it breaks, convertible, v8, manual transmission and room for 4 people. I’m thinking mustang just because there are so damn many, they are cheaper, but who knows. I’m getting something though damn it. It is my motivation to clean out and organize the the garage over the next few weeks

    • Like 3
  4. How diligent is she about watering?
    Northaven has a good selection of shade lovers. Point your Google at "shade annuals for Texas/Zone7 &8"
    Ferns, caladiums, tropical shit like philodendron, impatiens, begonias. 
    You can get a big headstart and plunk in a fat angelwing begonia basket or a massive Boston fern. The Boston is a water hog. There are others better adapted to our raging hot summers.
    Reminds me. What time of day is it hitting there? 9-11 is nothing like 3-5.
    There are options. 

    Sun hits in the morning but she wants something colorful so a fern is probably out. I also personally hate begonias. I will look with her at the others though
  5. I am by no means a green thumb, but we have some pots on the front porch in Dallas. Where my wife wants to put them, they will only get 1-2 hours of direct sunlight a day. We’ve tried a few different flowering plants and nothing has worked. Any ideas on something that might? If you guys don’t know I may have to go get a copy of the Neil Sperry book, because google doesn’t seem to have much specific to north Texas

  6. Ok. I took a funky chance because it was so cheap. I got an ad on Facebook this morning for an old town predator xl angler for $99. It is coming from China so I don’t know if it will actually come, but I used PayPal so I can dispute it.

  7. So I was told before by a poster friends don’t let friends buy a pelican before, but the new ones look nice and are around 5-600 bucks. Nothing on the used market right now that doesn’t require a substantial drive from North Texas. Sooooo

  8. 31 minutes ago, wild_turkey said:

    Thanks for the advice everyone. Flights are booked, hotel in SF is booked, just need to make some decisions on where to stay in Napa and Carmel. Looks like there are also some good suggestions in The Napa / Sonoma Wine Thread.

    We've always stayed at the Cypress Inn. A little antiquey (I know that isn't a word) but its a great location. Parking is a bitch though. Parking is a bitch everywhere in Carmel though. 

  9. Prepare your anus. Carmel is not cheap. I can’t remember the name but this is a cafe/ice cream shop off ocean avenue if I remember right.


    There is an amazing cheese shop there though in this kind of shopping center place. I’m sure someone can correct me on where it is

  10. By the way I can’t sleep well but my kids now have a kayak and I don’t


    Not pretty, that is our pool but we are taking it to the lake tomorrow

    • Like 1
  11. I picked up a 12 ft Pescador a few years for about $430 at Academy, so you might find a new one close to your budget.

    I’ve been looking and haven’t seen them in that range right now.

    That said, i just sold a pelican I hated, but the pelican anglers at academy look nice

    Anyone have one?
  12. I think everyone is focusing on the wet ass comment too much. I understand you get wet in a kayak. You get wet in a 20' boat too, I get it.

    If I could re-craft my original comment, I would say, "when I take my kid out in my tandem kayak, within the first few paddles, I have an inch of water sitting in my seat". That isn't normal for a person well under the capacity of the kayak with scupper plugs. 

    I'm not going to buy new (I think) but wanted to see what was out there. The Pescador looks fantastic though. 

  13. I'm not talking about getting a little wet, obviously. In my tandem though, I sit in, and immediately have wet ass. 

    I actually went to Academy and West Marine today at lunch, and I think I've found what I'm looking for. I have a Cabelas gift card I need use, but I'm gonna try facebook marketplace first to see how much it will run me

  14. Depending on your height, a 10' pescador is a solid boat for $400.

    I’m only 5’9” I like that boat, but the seat not being elevated, will it get my ass wet every time? I’m not a great big fat person
  15. Ok, so I’ve decided I’m selling the tandem pelican yak I have and getting my own single plus a sun dolphin kids kayak. I have a friend that puts two kids on it, and I never go anywhere other than ponds with my 7 year old, plus the 4 year old can grow into it.

    Question is, what is a good angler single? I like rigging it so poke holders don’t bother me but I’ve never even used a single. I know you can spend a fortune on them, but I’m hoping to spend around $400 so it is a pretty even trade for my tandem.

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