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Posts posted by Chewbacca

  1. 18 minutes ago, bamachine said:

    Kept meaning to look her up and see what her real name is but kept forgetting to do so. I know that is a made up name on the show. They seem to use real comics names and then for some use made up names.


    Do love the show and recently caught his actual recent stand up on HBO. Seems like he got away from being the clean comic, at least somewhat. Don't expect a dichotomy like with Bob Saget but still he throws around several fucks.

    His Enrique Iglesias concert bit is one of the funniest things I've ever heard.  

  2. 39 minutes ago, Upgrayedd said:

    I pitched it.  She said that it would make her uncomfortable being around people that had seen her boobs without her permission.  

    That and she thinks we are all assholes.


    Tough, but fair.

  3. 1 minute ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Agree that nothing on the podcast convinced me he was innocent, but they produced enough info that I questioned whether he was guilty.   However I fully admit that I don't have strong feelings on the matter either way.     

    I do disagree with a system that allows for retrials 18 years after the original trial.   I don't think anyone's memory is solid enough to withstand questioning after close to 20 years.   The state should just get him to plead guilty for a lesser charge with a sentence of time served.   Both sides can declare victory and move on.  Otherwise they will waste taxpayer money on a new trial that will most likely result in a not guilty verdict.    

    This is pretty much where I am.  He very well might have done it, but I don't think that was really conclusively proven by the state.  Their case was paper thin and he likely walks with a competent defense attorney.

  4. On 3/27/2018 at 1:23 PM, Footballpants said:

    Went to a buddy's place in Jackson Hole over the weekend for a last minute spring ski trip. His place sits on a little creek that flows into the Snake River called Fish Creek. We had a little time to kill Sunday afternoon so I went rummaging through his barn and found some waders, a TFO NXT Combo, and a fly box filled of a hodge-podge of flies. Tied on a big stone fly nymph and a zebra midge dropper and decided to head out and make a few casts. Caught this 18.5" cutter on the stone fly nymph on 4th cast. 



    So are you Hollywood Colt?  Trying to get my names straight with people who changed them.

  5. WP is nice but it's a bit of a detour for an area that, well, just doesn't have that much to me.  Plus the town is pretty dead.  I know some might say no way, you can always ski/apres great stuff if you know where to look, but I was never big on that area.  As far as cold, I think A Basin gets about as cold as anywhere.  The sun takes awhile to come up over the East Face and it really doesn't warm up until late morning many times, plus, it's so friggin' high it seems to get pretty chilly... it's got a big bowl shape, and faces essentially north.  But I still love that area.
    It's definitely different than Breck or Vail. That's why i like it, but to each his own.
  6. 5 hours ago, texasdago said:

    Haven't skied WP in about 12 years.  I always remember it being one of the colder resorts in the area.

    I don't know that it's materially colder than any of the other big CO resorts (the Fraser valley definitely gets colder, but not necessarily the resort).  They can all get really cold under the right conditions and they're always cold at the top of the moutain.

  7. 1 hour ago, Burt said:

    We have a 14 year old poodle who is living on borrowed time so we broke down and got a lab almost two weeks ago.  She turned 9 weeks old yesterday.  Its been so long since we've had a puppy that I'd forgotten how much work it is.    

    Photo 1 - the day we got her

    Photo 2 - riding with me in my work truck last week

    Photo 3 - wanting to play fetch yesterday




    Great looking pup there!  You gonna use her to lure in hotties for pics?

  8. 16 minutes ago, Hanrahan said:

    Dr. Narwhals Mating is the clear winner.  It's perfect in its absurdity.  You have the unearned medical degree conferred by birth certificate, an obscure and ridiculous animal with a huge spear coming out of its head and a sexual reference to tie the whole package together.

    According to Google, he's a real MD.

  9. 4 hours ago, msbesq said:

    Fantastic show. Loved Artie and all the cameos by comics throughout the season.

    I'm amazed that Artie is that open about his drug issues on the show.  That's gotta be tough to do.

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