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TrashMaster G

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Posts posted by TrashMaster G

  1. 7 minutes ago, Thiefery said:

    nah man , they were the first one raising their skirts and dropping to its knees trying to get out of the conference.. let them take their money and have their sports fizzle with the occasional 8/9 win season.  

    I also think that the BIG 12 should continue to stay at 10 teams for now, the money hasn't been effected yet.


  2. 10 hours ago, Napoleon said:

    I was thinking that it would make for a heavier ball & affect the spin/placement. He might have fewer land inside the 10 and go out of bounds than on other fields.

    I don't know this for a fact, but it seems to make sense when I think about how the foot actually spins the ball off the outside of the foot in kind of a "controlled slice" motion.

    You slept at a Holiday Inn Express last night, didn't you?

    • Haha 1
  3. 43 minutes ago, C-Man said:

    Stop the charade already. Weed needs to be taken off the NFL's banned substance list.

    Oh, whatever.  If you can't stay off the stuff for a few days in advance of a known test once per year, you are too f'ing stupid to keep a job anyway.  I have zero sympathy for anybody who gets caught in that net.

    • Like 2
  4. 16 hours ago, EE2B said:

    My wife was walking our five year old across the street and ran across a dead snake in the driveway. She told me that she had found a snake and I needed to come look. I grab a small shovel and head out to the end of the drive. When I got out there I found a baby snake that was obviously dead. She walks up and I ask her what she wanted me to do. She replied “Kill it.”  I said “It’s already dead. “ She looked me dead in the eye and said “Kill it some more.” 


    That's not stupid. That's just funny.

  5. 1 hour ago, HOOK'EMHOOAH said:

    I had no hate for him when he was at USC. I certainly don't now. I may not have been his biggest fan in 2005, but I couldn't hate him. He was always a player's coach.


    I'm glad he sees the value in players from Texas.

    Aside from the fact that he was a cheatin' SOB, yeah he's a swell guy.

    • Like 1
  6. 7 hours ago, Disco Missile said:

    This is true, and frankly I don't understand how world class athletes smoke on a regular basis and maintain the lung health and capacity required for their jobs.

    Can you imagine these guys puffing away on Camels? I mean, many of the same carcinogens, irritants, and other lung-damaging toxins that tobacco has are in marijuana too. Including tar.

    I never enjoyed it, so I don't get it in the first place, but that part of it always seemed odd to me.

    I also don't understand how guys with a ticket to a very lucrative living can't resist doing one of the few things that will put that living in serious jeapordy.  For just a few years out of a long life.

    You have to conclude that either the stuff really is addictive after all or these guys are just fucking dumbasses that can't comprehend simple logic. 

    • Like 1
  7. 52 minutes ago, Machinator said:

    Sure. That's a bit of a reach for me, but with Dickson's elite placement and consistency, I can buy it. But acting like letting him drop to the 5th is some massive blunder by GMs on par with drafting projects at QB in the first round is silly.

    Poona Ford going undrafted bothers me much more.

    Seattle is going to get a shit-ton of value out of both of them.

  8. 23 hours ago, wd40 said:

    up and working early this morning, as usual, enjoying my coffee, etc.  I hear a clatter on the stairs.  I look.  it's the wife, dropping her work badge there from over the balcony rail above. fine, wants to not forget it on her way out.  good idea.

    an hour later, I get home from dropping off daughter #2 at school.  wife's walking out the door.   coffee's kicking in, so I lock the door behind her, and  quickly make my usual tour of the downstairs, turning off all the lights she and the kids left on, then start upstairs to the master bath to take a well-earned shit and a shower.  wife's furiously bangs on the door.  I unlock it.  she bursts in, all pissed off (at me) that she can't find her badge.  she eventually finds it...


    Why did you move it, asshole?

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