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TrashMaster G

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Everything posted by TrashMaster G

  1. Just the strangest season I've seen in almost 40 years of following Texas baseball.
  2. Sure, let's respect them while we're run-ruling them.
  3. For all the warts this team has, including the one up top, they are gritty and fight to the end. Yes. Too soon. 🤬
  4. [Pepper] Usually you pay double for that kind of action, Cotton. [/Brooks]
  5. Holy fuck nuts. Cal U must be so proud.
  6. So, apparently finding an immunity idol makes you turn stupid. Unbelievable.
  7. Seem like that's out of place in a 2023 thread. Maybe that's just me.
  8. I would support an automatic 2 week vacation for any mention of those two games. 🤬
  9. [Newstatsman] ERA is a worthless statistic. [/Newstatsman]
  10. Jaysoni? Ni Jaree? Korbe??? Parents these days need to just be horsewhipped.
  11. It's been a good while since a post fit the thread title this perfectly
  12. The average Ag has an IQ of maybe 90. Don't expect much.
  13. Yeah, Aikman's first two seasons probably cut his career short by three or four years.
  14. Learn something new every day, I guess. But, there are so many other, superior names. Personally, I prefer sweater puppies or baby feeders.
  15. Is it really disrespect if it's warranted?
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