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Everything posted by Bateshorn

  1. By the time this gets deadlocked at the FEC and works its way through the courts, we are going to be game planning 2032 election.
  2. If he doesn't commute federal death row to life on his way out the door, I will never forgive him.
  3. You say that like your Passenger Princess (TM) and kids passing out for 2 hours while you get jacked up on Dew and knock out some serious mileage to Charley Crockett is a bad thing.
  4. He's on the ticket unless he resigns. VP is the only person Trump can't fire.
  5. As long as everyone is a consenting adult...
  6. Harris' biggest weakness is not electoral, it's actually administrative. Here office is a bit like Selena Meyer (or it was in the first 18 months): Toxic and dysfunctional. But that can be overcome. Pick a strong COS/Campaign Chief and let them run the day to day, and focus on the prize.
  7. Part of it is the media loves to sell shiney, impractical shit, and you need names, so we will see lots of people who it won't be for a variety of reasons: Warnock, Whitmer, Kelly, Newsom, etc. Short of a Dark Horse we haven't heard of (like when Karen Bass almost snuck in 2020), it's almost certainly, at this late stage, one of 4 people: Brashear, Buttieg, Cooper, Shapiro, with maybe a Midwest Governor like Tim Walz lurking. Basically, run the background on everyone, make sure there is not a live boy or dead girl, and pick the one that you think gives you the best chance to win. If it's Cooper or Shapiro, dispatch them to their homestate and tell them to shake every hand and kiss every baby between now and election day.
  8. JFC. Mark Kelly occupies a swing seat in the Senate the Dems have to hold. It isn't going to be Mark Kelly. Or any other Senator who the Dems might not be able to easily replace. It just won't be.
  9. Sadly, actually reading it is going to be like dragging sand paper across an eyeball. He may get the best access, but Bernstein was the writer of the two.
  10. It’s gonna drive Trump insane he can’t get a drop of media coverage for the next week.
  11. Seriously though: there need to be a series of Sherman-esque statements from Whitmer, Newsom, et al in the next 24 hours.
  12. Convention is in Chicago. Somebody dig up Norman Mailer, use a revival spell, and let’s do this thing!!
  13. Im def not the crowd for it, an maybe I’m gwnerally out of tune, but I’m finding this speech weird, mawkish, a bit off putting? I kind of prefer my Trump spitting fire and not acting like he’s a bridge builder.
  14. This. It’s the reverse of Minnesota or New Mexico being in play. If that’s true, Trump will sweep the Midwest and SW
  15. My wife has been on two progressive calls this morning. Lot of smoke pouring out of the White House.
  16. My issue with Shapiro is he's smallish. I'm a bit with Trump on liking my Politicians to look like politicians, and that means some height in men. And I say that as a manlet. Luckily Harris is short, as is JD Vance.
  17. Prolly some anodyne Southern Governor like Andy Brashear, Roy Cooper, or Jon Bel Edwards.
  18. Literally ran this play on my mom at one point. Old age is hell.
  19. Shit. If you can competently read off a teleprompter, you've doubled Biden's capacity right now. Being able to speak in complete sentences without notes is Einstein level stuff for the Dem Candidate.
  20. As I understand it, this is more or less correct. The money issue is much simpler with Harris.
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