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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Anastasis

  1. That's fair, and yes Medicaid expansion would have favorable impacts on payer mix for rural hospitals in particular.
  2. Sometimes you just have to put it out into the universe. Hope this goes somewhere. Translation of the tweet in Hebrew: Negotiations for a new cease-fire agreement between Israel and Hamas, in which all the abductees in Gaza, including soldiers, will be released. On the other hand, Israel will massively release security prisoners in Israeli prisons. As part of the agreement, the parties discuss a ceasefire for an extended period of time. The new agreement is currently being discussed in Qatar, where the leaders are there discussing the details: the head of the Mossad >>
  3. This is spot on, the costs of services is clouded from the ultimate consumer and as such market forces are perverted. Some components of healthcare services are harder than others to expose to market forces, emergent services such as stent placement for example. But there are certainly components that you can, it would just require shaking up the major stakeholders that benefit from the current system. Convert Medicare to a HDHP-like public backstop that kicks in at a reasonable annual amount, open up tax advantaged HSAs to everyone, HSA credits for certain income bands, private coverage for services prior to hitting the backstop available if desired, public coverage up to the hd annual for low income safety net. That would expose the most frequently used Rx and medical utilization to market forces and have a backstop for catastrophic events. It would also decrease premiums for private coverage and incentivize savings for future healthcare spending needs. We could even give it a catch name like "Medicare 4 All".
  4. Immediate release is a favorable outcome for all parties relative to drawn out exchanges over weeks. And likewise an agreed extended ceasefire is a favorable outcome over a tenuous ceasefire that is ready to fall apart the first time a daily milestone is not met. These are easy concepts to grasp.
  5. Yes, price transparency is a huge part of the problem, and one that exists in particular as a result of government intervention. So sure, let think about government intervention and discuss it in specific terms, but historical government intervention is the reason that we have institutionalized price obfuscation across the entire industry.
  6. If you want to fix the healthcare finance system in this country (or this state), you have to tackle the cost drivers of healthcare spending. Hospital systems and pharma. That’s where the profit margins are. Physician services makes up another big chunk of the spending, but the margins there don’t have much fat once you parse out the imaging and diagnostics.
  7. ESC doesn't do that for me, but following up to the KFF site indicates that the differences are related to the implementation of the PHE drawdown.
  8. Are you having a series of mini-strokes.
  9. What are the disenrollment numbers for CA and NY?
  10. Well I see this has been addressed earlier, in perhaps a different way. This board loves them some Twitter propaganda.
  11. On bright side news, ceasefire appears to be extended a couple days. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/biden-hopes-extension-israel-hamas-truce-enters-final-day-2023-11-27/ Hard to find the actual terms of the ceasefire agreement, but if I understand correctly, there is a provision for extension of the ceasefire for incremental release of hostages. Haven't seen a clean breakdown of IDF vs. civilian hostages held in Gaza. If hamas had anything other than shit for brains, they would try to negotiate an immediate release of all non-IDF hostages for a multiple in terms of both extension and exchange. But they have shit for brains, so that probably won't happen.
  12. Paywall, so tweet is basically worthless, but was there a reason other than the PHE expiration given in the article?
  13. Most on the head portion of that post.
  14. Worse than soccer. Not wrong.
  15. They have a new processing facility on 471 south on way to la coste. Quick drop off there and a trip to town for bbq sounds right.
  16. Probably the same respiratory illness bounce back we saw. But I sure as hell wouldn’t take the who or chinas word for shit.
  17. No one said they were. Don’t cry cause your crickets chirping for the last decade of children hostage taking gets brought up. It’s funny how the shoot the fascists in the face posters catch the vapors so easily.
  18. Oh yes, tell me all about the burden of proof standard in the military courts that Palestinian children are subjected to after they are roused from their beds at 3am for their administrative detention hearings.
  19. Cool. That doesn’t really have anything to do with the IDF snatching kids out of their beds in the middle of the night though.
  20. Hope in one hand, consume some reports from human rights orgs in the other and see which one fills up first.
  21. Taking children as hostages should be condemned no matter which terrorist organization is doing it.
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