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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Anastasis

  1. Doesn't read like a manifesto to me. Few journal rantings of a mentally deranged individual and their schedule. If that shit is real, it is not clear to me why it has been suppressed. Maybe there is something in the others pages that have not leaked.
  2. Anastasis

    MLS 2023

    Yes. It was rightfully called off.
  3. Anastasis

    MLS 2023

    So dumb question amnesty here, but doesn't the ref have the ability to stop the play there and issue a drop ball to white to at least try to unfuck that situation without giving up the chance at the other end?
  4. Come on y'all. "Go to wikipedia"? You're being trolled.
  5. Fucking amazing amount of fail on that drive.
  6. Eagles fucking imploding and it’s great.
  7. Fuck right off with this.
  8. The posts about the “Rule of Law” start to have some context now.
  9. WB has always been the primary and proximal obj. Gaza is scrub land. WB is Judea and Samaria. The settlers have been running rough shod behind IDF in WB.
  10. I would eat shawarma out of Selma’s ass if she asked politely.
  11. Seems to be a pattern that we might be able to generalize from.
  12. And Baghdad and Tripoli.
  13. Don't make me repeat myself.
  14. Adolis Garcia should be sent to Gaza to ride it out.
  15. This is a fun exchange, but nobody serious debates that al pastor is not the result of maronite/lebanase immigration to mexico, and a merging of the shwarma brought with them with mexican flavor profile.
  16. There will be no peace in the middle east until we can sit down and break bread and roast a beast. I mean, I vehemently disagree with their takes on shellfish and pork, but there is lots of common ground that can be found.
  17. I don't know anything about Aztecs grilling meat. I am sure they were great, and would not try to disparage. But I do know a bit I think about vertically and horizontally oriented rotisserie production of various meat products. If only our world could find a way to celebrate the mergers of the best of cultures, food, music, drink, and dance, but our race is dead set on fighting over the parcels of dirt and resources.
  18. But they brought shwarma, which became al pastor. Both go better with a side of lebneh, the latter with lebneh and cucumbers in particular.
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