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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Anastasis

  1. 14 minutes ago, Blotto said:

    Probably a few threads where this could go, but this shit is infuriating....


    The story goes on to say she negotiated the copay down to $199 after sharing the what her friend had paid, but she had to force the issue. Our medical system is fucking insane. 

    Not sure that makes a lot of sense. Most insurers have been covering testing at no cost. There is some network scam going on there.

    But agree that the whole thing is insane. Son needed some cardiac monitoring. Never had an event that got transmitted, no interpretation, etc.  Basically just provide a device to walk around with that never got used and never required professional services. Got a bill after insurance buy down for $2000.  Told them to go get fucked and that we were not going to pay them anything more than $500 for 3 months. Which was still a rip off but I could see it for a complex medical device on lease. They ended up accepting.  Should have just bought the kid an apple watch with a hear rate monitor. 

  2. 12 minutes ago, Blotto said:

    The June jobs report is dropping  Thursday AM heading into a 3 day weekend. Been quite awhile since I played the SPY straddle game, but may consider it  Wed afternoon for options expiring  7/2. Even with a fairly significant misclassification error of employment status due to Coronavirus, the May jobs report sure as fuck moved the market (SPY + 2.5%), and this market seems to want to find reasons to move (up or down). On the flip side, looking back at the last 5-6 years, the day heading into the 4th holiday seems to be usually quiet/non-eventful. Will have to see what the premiums look like Wed PM. If the markets are quiet up until then, I'll probably take a stab. 

    Hey, who wants to hold anything into a long weekend with this much uncertainty on teh board. What could go wrong?


  3. 1 minute ago, Covri said:

    Panic buying at grocery stores is happening again. Be someone who doesn’t and respect your neighbors. Don’t be a selfish asshole. You don’t need 400 equivalent rolls of TP or 12 3-packs of Lysol wipes. Fuck off. 

    How is panic buying still a thing?  We've been at this for 4 months?

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  4. 29 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Do you realize when you get on these benders almost nothing you write makes any sense?  I know I'm setting myself up to be insulted about my lack of intellect and reading comprehension, but you are quite literally one of the few people on this planet who don't grunt but whom I struggle to understand -- here, in literature or major media.

    Try the English?  You remind me of Raoul Hernandez, The Austin Chronicle's music editor, who thinks he's far more clever than he is.  I think you're plenty smart, but suspect you spend a lot of time on whacked out "libertarian" sites where the rubes are led about by a few self-anointed big thinkers, and you bring that shit here.  Hey, maybe I'm wrong.  Maybe you're just a lousy writer.


    I am not sure where the break down is, to be honest.  I know that some of you guys love your straw men, but about the most whacked out libertarian leaning site I frequent consistently is reason.com. Maybe that is far out to you, but I think it pretty run of the mill myself. 

    MC seems to get the point, Brad seems to get the point, I bet Fondren gets the point, and despite what I assume to be a different political perspective probably, I would wager that he agrees with the point.  

    Sorry if you feel that the words on the message board fly past you while they land with others.  I can appreciate that that is probably frustrating. In fact, I figure if you could get past whatever your hang up is, you would probably agree with the point that was made.  

  5. On 6/28/2020 at 11:39 AM, Johnny Sack said:

    I like to cut my backstrap into small pieces when frying.  Cooks faster so more tender.

    I have my butcher cut my backstrap 2". For chicken fry, I gut that into 2-3 slices, and pound out with the mallet. I agree, I like thin pieces of meat with a good battering. 

  6. 1 minute ago, FondrenRoad said:

    Export implies a sale. We get jackshit ROI on that spending.  

    A holistic ROI analysis would probably agree, especially from the perspective of the tax payer.

    But there are plenty of sales.  We are basically running a mafia protection racket where we funnel the revenue generating aspects to private parties and socialize the investment, R&D, and loss of life.



  7. 6 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    No idea, but I hope they cool off the fucking presses this afternoon.  I am up to my fucking eyeballs in 3x short DOW ETF waiting for a swing. 

    Man, I am fucking bag holding way too many shares of this shit overnight.  Just couldn't bring myself to pull the trigger when that shit went wrong at the end of the day. 

  8. 1 hour ago, drt said:

    APH: If you were ones of the tens of thousands of people who attended a protest you need to get tested, not matter whether there is a confirmed exposure or symptoms.

    Adler a couple weeks later to people with known direct exposures: Sorry about that bitches, we used up all the tests. 


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