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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Anastasis

  1. 29 minutes ago, ndawg said:

    You...aren’t seeing how precarious our present situation really is. Hint: it’s very precarious.

    I think that shit has been pretty precarious for a while.  Maybe someday soon the two party system will produce a nominee who can actually changes that. 

    • Like 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, Macanudo said:

    Wait, was your discussion with Hayden while I was driving the Macanudo Minivan with Tropheus while y'all sipped red wine with Full Metal Jacket playing in the background?

    Because if so, I missed out on A LOT.  Well except for some cold wax cup beer and Troph shoulder checking several dudes at the Fairgrounds.

    Good times my man. Good times. 

    FTR. Troph brought the red wine. 

  3. 17 minutes ago, hornian said:

    I legit wonder if I’m going to be a vector. I’m religious about mask wearing, social distancing, haven’t gone to restaurants, etc. but the numbers are so high that it’s freaking me out.

    Yeah, pretty much where I am at at the moment. The trajectory of the numbers is concerning. 

  4. 18 minutes ago, hobbes2702 said:

    I hope you change your mind and vote for Biden. I also hope you’re right because this level of chaos is unsustainable.

    I can appreciate that.  

  5. 2 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    Well that and this is not a fucking IC thread. You know, the main rule of all message boards.

    You want to lay out all the issues with our IC? Have at it. But when you repeatedly distract people from the conversation about Donald Trump in the Donald Trump thread then it makes it look like you're, uh, distracting people from Donald Trump in the Donald Trump thread. Anastasis deserves every bit of shit he gets about that after today's performance.

    Meh, this is a meandering meta-thread of almost 400 pages. Some of y'all need to wring out your panties. 



    2 minutes ago, Beau Vine said:
    1 hour ago, conVINCEd said:
    Have you eaten Mexican food in, say, Colorado or Iowa or Virginia?

    Nothing wrong with Colorado Mexican food. Try Washington.



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  7. 3 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    you are effectively going to take action to re-elect him.

    What positive action, outside of your imaginary forced dichotomy, am I taking to re-elect Trump?

  8. 3 minutes ago, staboner said:

    Thats not true. I think most of us do in some regard. The issue on your end is the belief that electing Biden just perpetuates the greater problem. Which I agree with. So we need an end.  

    Is the end now? or do we need to burn the motherfucker to the ground? Some would argue we are there. I would argue that with the great digital divide and somewhere/anywhere cultural gap - that maybe there is no end. If there is no end then maybe we can force change with the mass we have around us. Yes, that is optimistic, but somewhere in here we have to be.

    I know, no power structure self regulates. But something man. Something has to be new now. 

    The current threat is life or death IMO. Its not even a threat about "saving the republic" or some other fairy tale shit. Its about staying alive. And Trump and his ilk want death and destruction at worst, and at best they are so inhuman and incapable of doing anything coherent that they are going to help cause death and destruction. 

    This is a little hyperbolic, imo. 

    I think Biden is a lock.  I don't think anything really changes in a transformative way. 

    I don't see Hope and Change Part Deux, Two Party Boogaloo really shaking out any different than the first verse. 

    Sorry bro.  I was raised by a disappointing latch key. I hope that I am wrong.  But I wouldn't bet against it. 

    • Like 2
  9. 2 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    Refusing to vote for Biden in a swing state is the same as a vote for replacing the current intelligence community with an American gestapo. So your protestations ring extremely fucking hollow.

    Histrionics aside, Texas is not a swing state.  

  10. 3 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    A lot of words that boil down to 1) I admit that Trump is the worst leader ever, and 2) I’m not going to vote to remove him.

    Only a few words to deflect some of the realities realized in that post. 


  11. 1 minute ago, hobbes2702 said:

    I hope we have more votes for Biden and we bring an end to this shit show.

    More votes is not a question. The only angle is how many votes will trump lose by in the popular vote. 

    The electoral college is not really in question either at this point. 

    It's going to be a landslide. 

    Not sure why some of you guys are so worried about compelling the N of 1. 

  12. 5 minutes ago, staboner said:

    Ah the Death Spiral is back. 

    The math told me in 2008 to vote for Obama because I thought having a minority for POTUS was > trying to bitch and complain about the two party system. I will sadly vote for Biden again because not getting nuked > bitching about the two party system. Anastasis will hopefully come around. 

    hey @Anastasis how bout this. I don't want to be nuked from Jan 21, 2021 to Jan 20th 2025. Can you help a brotha out? Getting nuked before - well we all lose my man. Getting nuked after 2025 - hey you win. Deal?

    I don't want to be nuked either my no nuke Sunday friend. I think that best way to reduce that risk substantially is to go a completely different direction with our foreign policy. 

    • Like 1
  13. Pretty humorous watching some of you guys unpack your straw man.  

    I guarantee you that I have voted for fewer Republicans in my life than @Brisketexan. He feels really bad about that though, performing a projecting flagellation for his own history of political short comings. 

    I have made two political donations since 2016, one national, one state level. Both to democratic candidates. Prior to that, one fringe Republican candidate. The only person I would have considered a donation this presidential election cycle after the nominations played out was Amash, but he bowed out with the quickness.  

    While some have suddenly found the cat birds seat from West Austin to project, pointing out the pain and suffering and cruelty inflicted by American politics on others WHILE PEOPLE DIE, there have been some of us who have been calling out the reality of American foreign policy for decades across multiple administrations.  Glad that a few of you have seem to come around to the plight of the situation, if only because of Trump. Hope that you guys find a way to stick around after January 2021.  But to be honest, I sincerely don't expect much in the way of persistence.  Much like all the STOP WAR NOW signs mysteriously disappeared from my former central Austin hood circa 2008, I expect much the same when Biden is in office. 

    It literally takes the worst person in the history of American politics for some of you guys to pull your heads out of your ass and say hey, maybe there is a problem here. But you still fail to recognize the root of the problem. Insisting that any objection to our two party system, captured by the military and intelligence industrial complex, is really a step into the abyss. While you just goosestep right into the turns of the death spiral.  

    • Like 1
  14. Just now, Brisketexan said:

    Again, we shipped weapons to fucking STALIN to beat Hitler. 

    I wouldn't vote for Stalin either, but maybe you would under the circumstances. 


    I simply don't buy into the lesser of two evils thing when it comes to my vote.  I'd rather protest vote with Willie than engage the two party system where Hope and Change, Part Deux, Two-Party Boogaloo is going to be the punch line. 

  15. I appreciate that @F250. @Macanudo, Putin has no juice on me.  I haven't changed my posting style much over the years. Pretty much the same style that I explained to @hayden_horn years back at the whataburger on the way to OU. Pushing the edge to see where people really stand. Quite a bit of the context outside the sandbox has changed, however. Nobody really use to lose their mind when faced with aggressive criticism of the IC when Bush was in power, and even when Obama's CIA was droning Americans. Today however, quite a different thing.  More than a few posters here are also butt hurt because my criticisms of the IC, FBI in particular, were borne out in reality. But hey, it is what it is. 

    • Like 2
  16. 19 minutes ago, hornian said:

    I believe there was an issue with Friday’s numbers and they were included with Saturday’s. So divide by 2. Still not great, Bob. 

    Yeah. But today is Sunday. The Saturday report was a two day aggregate. Although I was looking at it on my phone so I very well may have misread the date stamp. 

  17. 47 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:

    I want trump to lose the popular vote by 7 million votes or more. No way I’d write someone else in. This fucker needs to be embarrassed.  

    It’s going to be an embarrassing electoral college tally. 

  18. Just now, Sawbonz said:

    Also fuck Trump. He is under 40% and falling. McConnell made a mask video. If he gets under 35 there may be heavy behind the scenes pressure to get him to step down. Of course he won’t but it will further insure his defeat in November 

    They are already floating that he might withdrawal from the top nomination. I don’t believe it. He will be the candidate even if he falls into the lows 30s or high 20s, which I think is certainly possible. The gop establishment failed at holding him off in 2016. They ain’t going to accomplish it as an incumbent. 

  19. 9 minutes ago, Pig Bellmont said:

    Trump retweet’s a video with someone saying “white power” this morning and you haven’t made a final decision? Cool. 

    Haven’t made a final decision on who I will write in, but certainly I won’t pull the lever for trump.  

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