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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Anastasis

  1. 5 minutes ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    I had heard that a bunch of the tests on offer did not.

    Go to quest or labcorp as suggested, and don't trust the result one way or the other. Any fever or strongly suggestive symptom should be treated as covid and isolated until ruled out imo.

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, Chewbacca said:
    4 hours ago, troph said:

    Need to get our fifth wheel outta there if we get banned. 😞

    I don't think we will do what NY did, but i really wish visitors here would take things seriously as you did. It's not that hard, but some people just get off on being selfish assholes.

    My mom has a place near wolf creek. They basically have lived there full time for the last couple years, and Austin is their second home.  They caught all sorts of shit from the "locals" when the initial wave came through and some of the counties were locking shit down tighter than South Austin's mom's three hole. They take their covid cues from me, and got their shit on lock, but colorado mountain people are their own breed. 

  3. 14 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    Just STFU, to act like NO immunity might exist is dumber than buttchugging bleach to cure the virus.

    Yeah, I don't get this either. We have nearly 10 million cases of infection, and people making lots of scare porn based on n of one anecdotal reports and cases, whether that relates to re-infection or lung transplants or whatever. 

  4. 17 minutes ago, troph said:

    Not present, one year too young and other friends didn’t go. At least 2 degrees of separation for us but DAMN. Wtf?!

    How many enabling parents do you think were involved. Pongfest. Cheerleaders, cavalettes, football, and soccer is what I heard. 

    Dumb fucks gonna dumb fuck.  And the fucking kids manning the gas pumps need to wear masks. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    @ChiTownDoc and @Anastasis 

    My older daughter and I need to get an antibody test. Is there a way to tell that I’m getting the test for this specific Coronavirus?

    I assume that the antibody tests being used discriminate well between the novel corona virus versus the shit that causes the common cold and other corona viruses.  Has anyone see information that suggests otherwise? 

    • Like 3
  6. 1 hour ago, Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand said:

    The irony of the phrase "Russia (1), Russia (2), Russia (3)" used as an implicit pejorative is that it exactly tracks the conclusions of-

    (1) America's intelligence agencies

    (2) confirmed by Trump's DOJ-appointed Mueller Investigation

    (3) re-confirmed, triple checked by the GOP-chaired Senate Intelligence Committee


    They attacked our democracy damnit!



    • Fuck You 1
  7. 5 hours ago, SmokeyTheBear said:

    Oh for sure I am. Every time this thread is bumped, its you trying to make some side point of you "being right" about something.

    I didn't bump this thread.  In response to your throw away quip, I just asked you to consider how you would react if Roger Stone had done one quarter the shit we know was done by operatives working on behalf of the DNC/HRC. Your response is to spread disinformation that you have been corrected on numerous times on this thread. I guess on this thread being wrong repeatedly and unapologetically is a badge of honor. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    Clever omission of the rest of that sentence, you hack.

    Clever of me to quote your own words that the server tweet is not a "delusional conspiracy theory".  It clearly was. And HRC promoted it.  I understand that that the roots of brain rot run deep. Can you simply acknowledge the fact that Hillary Clinton promoted delusional and crazy ass conspiracy theories concocted by various operatives on behalf of the DNC, propagated by foreign operatives also on the pay roll, with the intent to influence the electorate?

    Why is this so hard for you guys to recognize on one side, but so clearly resolve with Roger Stone?

  9. 1 minute ago, wildcat09 said:

    What the fuck are you talking about?

    Sorry if I misunderstood your response to me posting a tweet from Hillary Clinton promoting the server conspiracy.


    20 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    I am surprised that you were able to type this out without acknowledging that Hillary Clinton was literally tweeting delusional conspiracy theories propagated by DNC operatives who were also fronting Russian disinformation. 

    7 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    It's not a "delusional conspiracy theory"


  10. 1 minute ago, wildcat09 said:

    It's not a "delusional conspiracy theory" that Trump had a line to Moscow. The recently unredacted parts of the Mueller report make that clear. The method of communication was misunderstood by others at the time.

    You are still a server conspiracy believer?  LOL.


    And you guys laugh at the Q tards? 

  11. 3 minutes ago, SmokeyTheBear said:

    Please explain your hypothesis on the situation so we can truly understand where you are coming from. 

    I have explained my thoughts on the topic about a thousands times on this thread.  The vast majority of the things that I have suggested have proven true, while server nonsense and wishful thinking about prague and Mueller knows all white hatting have fallen to the wayside. You continue to promote the same disinformation over and over again hoping that nobody actually pays enough attention to catch it, but ask me to explain where I am coming from? Convince me you are not wasting my time. 

  12. Just now, wildcat09 said:

    This is just brain worms. If the point of manufacturing dirt is to help you win an election, you don't fucking give it to the FBI and ask them to secretly investigate it and otherwise stay quiet about it. And if, for some insane reason that's exactly what you did, you would be a total fucking buffoon. You'd be even dumber than Democratic campaign consultants actually are, which is extremely fucking dumb. These people are idiots, but the're not that dumb. 

    I am surprised that you were able to type this out without acknowledging that Hillary Clinton was literally tweeting delusional conspiracy theories propagated by DNC operatives who were also fronting Russian disinformation.  They ran this shit through State and the FBI, and Hillary fucking tweeted about it. But please tell us all about brain worms. 



  13. 1 minute ago, wildcat09 said:

    To engage with Anastasis' little hypothetical for a moment, Roger Stone never in a trillion years would have remained quiet about something like the Steele dossier until after the election. 

    Because the democratic operatives were not total fucking buffoons like the republican ones.  They were running their angle through the fucking FBI and State primarily.  They didn't have to angle it broadly for public consumption until they lost the election. Although they were certainly pushing it publicly before the election.  Remember Hillary pushing the server brain damaged nonsense?


    Come on guys. 



  14. 1 minute ago, SmokeyTheBear said:

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fusion_GPS#:~:text=In September 2015%2C Fusion GPS,stopped funding investigation into Trump.

    Steele was hired by Fusion GPS after the hand off, correct. Which was originally paid for by a conservative group to dig up dirt on Trump. Is your assumption that the Clinton campaign requested Steele, and for Steele to create a conspiracy theory, fed by Russia, to boost her chances? 

    The Russia Russia Russia deep dive only started after the DNC took over. We have had this exchange like 3 or 4 times.  Why do you struggle so hard with just acknowledging that you would lose your fucking mind if Roger Stone did one quarter the shit that is traced right back to the DNC and HRC campaign through Perkins Coie?

  15. 1 minute ago, SmokeyTheBear said:

    The RNC hired Steele's group to dig up dirt, which then got transferred to the DNC and ultimately Clinton.

    You have said this multiple times on this thread, but it doesn't get any more true despite the repetition.  Steele was not brought on until the DNC took over funding and they decided to go full hog with the Russia Russia Russia disinformation angle. Try to pay attention. 

    I think that Stone should prosecuted if he lied to Congress.  I also think that Glenn Simpson should be prosecuted if he lied to congress. And we should go up the chain from there, on #bothsides.  

  16. Just now, SmokeyTheBear said:

    What jail is Carter Page serving his time? And does anything that happened to Carter Page free Stone up from his wrong doings? 

    I am not talking about Carter Page.  

    I am just asking you to consider how you would react to a revelation that Roger Stone did the thing that the DNC/HRC campaign did. 

    Head half explode or fully explode?

    We both know the answer. 



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