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Everything posted by Thatguy

  1. Oklahoma State was the worst game of his career. You guys just weren't seeing it clearly then.
  2. He can't pass protect yet is the likely reason why
  3. I was one of them. The guy was clearly dogging it out there. We know that by simply comparing his effort level from last year to this year. Secondly, he came back at the same weight, which tells you everything you need to know about his offseason workout effort. 10-15lbs of muscle would've helped. He did absolutely NOTHING to address his biggest weakness. I am disappointed in him for not playing hard or coming into the season better than last year. He is a first round talent if he had J-Whitt's effort level. .
  4. My kid is a teenager, and like almost all teenagers, always looking for her own space. So tonight we fired up the big screen in the theater room and all watched a movie together. When it was over we all passed out together. Wife, daughter, and all 3 cats. I am laying on the beanbag couch that folds out into a queen sized bed. We have two of them. My daughter decides to lay down with me instead of momma. These moments are few and far between now so I cherish them whenever I get them.
  5. Story Time- Back when the kiddo was a toddler. She has figured out how to get out of her bed and is now coming into our room nightly to try and sleep with us. At first we are letting her, but as you know that shit gets really old after awhile, especially when Thatguy hasn't had sexy time in awhile. So we commit to walking her back to her bed every night, no matter the teary-eyed excuse she gives us. After awhile she stops making excuses and simply starts sneaking into our bed while we are sleeping. She has even figured out that momma is the heavier sleeper, so she climbs in on her side. To combat this we had to start closing our door. One night I open my eyes and see a blue light moving around on the ceiling. I sit up in the bed in a panic when I see the light is coming from underneath the crack of the door. Remember in the movies when the aliens are in the house and the light is emanating from around the door? Just like that. Every hair on the back of my neck is standing up. In my sleepy haze I am rationalizing that there are no aliens. That's when I realize what is was. I wake up my wife, and watch her go through the same process that I did. First she sits up in the bed when she sees the light. Then her eyes get big when she sees this light coming from underneath the door. That's when I whisper to her what it is. We tip toe over and open it to find our daughter outside the door shining her rechargeable blue bird night light underneath the door.
  6. My kid is 14 and I still peek in her room early in the am when I get up.
  7. This @YGIFS guy doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about. Here is some advice. 1) Your little girl will have broken your sorry ass down by the time she is 3 years old. You will tell yourself that she won't but it's damn near impossible unless you're a deranged sociopath. 2) Whatever age you have in mind that boys come around its earlier than that. 3) They are emotional. Very. You will never understand. 4) Start slowly working on a man cave because at some point she will challenge your wife for vaginal superiority and you will want to have your own "Switzerland" when it happens. 5) Your two ladies will absolutely be dueling banjos for who can take the longest getting ready. At some point the little one will want to wear something like the big one is wearing which is cute, then it will turn into not wanting the big one to look better than her, then it will turn into not giving a shit. 6) Their periods will sync and you will need to refer to step 4 above. 7) There will come a point in time where the information will go to momma first. Do not be offended as this is what you want. Let momma filter the stuff about periods and such. Anything important will find its way to you. 8 ) Girls as g-damned expensive. At some point you will question if you need all this shit. The answer is you do. 9) When you hear the arguing over insignificant things, DO NOT willingly inject yourself into it. In fact, you will be looked for to settle many meaningless disputes. Make sure you refer back to step 4. As the footsteps approach, the communication device of said time period needs to quickly be dawned. Simply raise a finger and mouth "it's a client". Then pace back and forth and rattle off something about 4th quarter mergers. 10) Many times your wife will be dead wrong about whatever insignificant thing they are arguing about. Perhaps you will just want to be honest. Perhaps you might see this as a chance to win points with your kid. It's a trap. 11) Any jokes or comments that would be offensive to women are now offensive to two women. Tread lightly. 12) You will think every man at the playground is a serial killer until said guy's kid comes running up to him and puts your mind at ease. Just normal behavior for a girl dad. 13) Never allow them to play with Legos. Trust me. 14) Every scantily clad coed that you used to gladly look at walking by will now bring thoughts of my daughter better never dress like that. 15) If you do laundry, DO NOT do laundry after elementary school. 16) Girls are sneakier than boys are. 17) Whatever emotional support you think she needs she will need more. 18) Teach her to do the same things you would've taught a boy. She will appreciate it down the road. 19) When she gets to the age that her little friends start coming over refer back to step 4. 20) Even when she gets older you will always be daddy. Girls cherish their fathers. Remember that through the rough times. No one will ever replace you. Even when HE comes along with his white teeth, turtleneck, and blossoming career.
  8. @Cajun you shoulda left it alone. lol
  9. Maybe Akana is coming here because his sister plays on the vball team. Not sure if that's a factor.
  10. I used to be like that but now I get why they get like that in SOME instances. For example, my daughter got a scholarship to play for the club we are at. They have a top level setter and my kid as an outside hitter. They have 4 middles. A second setter/right side. Two girls who are pins/utility players. Three defensive specialists/liberos. Two of the middles were promised they could transition to outside. Neither one of them has much experience playing out there. Only one kid wants to play RS, and that kid, the backup setter, is a little too small to put over there. It is an easier transition to go from middle to RS, plus it gives you a bigger block, but none of the girls wanna do it. So when the time comes to pick someone to play over there parents are going to lose it. The same will happen when we start playing high level competition and half the players don't play. Imagine flying to 8 different cities to watch your kid sit on the bench. Ideally, you would run with 9/10 players, but the clubs wanna max out their participants so they can make a ton of money as well as offset their scholarship players.
  11. Yes. The easiest way to beat a team is to eliminate part of the front line. That was old Texas. Couldn't pass so opposing teams were dictating where the balls were going. We were constantly out of system, and because of that all we did was toss bail-out-sets up to the OH. I tell my kid this. Once you get to a high level it comes down to two things..... Serving tough and good defense. You can go a long long way with those two things.
  12. Good coaches teach you to cross the body, serve the seams, serve short, and jam passers by serving deep. If some go out then so be it. The trade off of a team not being able to run their offense because they can't get good passes is worth it. My daughter's team won a national qualifier on aggressive serving. A team they played had a monster middle that no one could stop. She got like two swings on us because they couldn't get their setter good passes.
  13. My daughter has a few volleyball players she looks up to. One was a senior girl that took her under her wing when she was 12, and worked with her 3 days a week in the summer on her game. She helped her make her 7th grade squad and club after missing the year prior due to a Type 1 Diabetes diagnosis, hospital stay, and weight/health recovery. That girl went on to play D1 vball and my daughter wears that girl's number when she plays at school to this day. However, there is no bigger one than Logan Eggleston. The way she plays. Her power. All things my daughter patterns her game after. So it was pretty cool seeing her watch the game and her favorite player win a championship. She was so excited. There were a lot of "Let's Go" 's at my house last night. Below is my kid when she was in middle school. Mini Logan Eggleston. On the other court to the right, the bald black guy's reaction to the sound is hilarious. Hookem!
  14. Good luck to the girls. The whole fam is watching here. Hookem!
  15. Bissonnet is most def THE hooker street. However there are a bunch of them around Houston. Telephone/Wayside area. Airport Blvd by Hobby. Some others around town if you know how they operate. Girls at the bus stop aren't always catching the bus. Neither are girls holding the sign at the intersection always panhandling.
  16. They still have vaginas right? The one on the bottom is the kind of girl who will give you fuck your whole life up kind of sex. That's how NowThis got where he is.
  17. Lol. We are all on this message board daily. Let's not act like we are out here knocking em down on the reg.
  18. This is what we heard through people in the know at Houston Skyline. "Texas Bad" "No go to Texas"
  19. Man, sand is so much more relaxed than indoor. I am glad she is having a good time and the life in her eyes is starting to return. I am pretty sure our girls played against each other, and you guys seemed to be a pretty chill group. My daughter was the same. Beginning of 6th grade came down with Type 1. In the hospital for a couple weeks. When she got healthy the pandemic started. After that it was depression, withdrawal, and every other scary thing that comes with that. Getting her into vball was the saving grace. Slowly but surely she is working her way back to being a confident, happy kid. She was so excited that club season was starting up. So know you are not alone in this my friend.
  20. Lol. Never seen that in middle school ball. It's club that seems to get crazy. There are some asshole parents in club for sure, but its the arrogant parents that make me laugh. Last year we played HJV, which is the 1st or 2nd best club in Houston depending on who you ask. One of the dads is chatting us up before the game, but he has this sense of arrogance(hello you poor guys on this lesser team) that the parents of kids that play on the top team of clubs like that seem to consistently have. Well, we wore their asses out, and wouldn't you know it, ole buddy doesn't wanna speak after the game. In fact, we played them quite a bit and he didn't speak again until THEY beat us.
  21. Vball is pretty crazy. I get why parents are like that though. For example, my daughter's team has 12 players. She is on a top club team so we travel nationally. Parents are told that they are paying for the training and not playing time, but as soon as their kid isn't seeing any PT they lose it. They spent thousands to travel all the way across the country to sit and watch their kid stand on the sideline for 2 or 3 days, plus the 5k or better for club fees. So they are mad and unhappy. Kids learn better by playing, so parents are desperate to get them some time. Clubs do not care about the development of your kid, they only care about what your kid can do for them to get their accolades, or that check every month. So that means if you are an undersized player, they will gladly keep you there to win now rather than move you to a position where you would have long term success. Then when you get into high school you get pushed out of the sport. So its really not the parents fault, it's really just the current climate of vball in this country as it pertains to the money grab that is club vball. These clubs could run with less girls per team so everyone is happy but instead they go with 12 for that extra money. @Steven Avery and I stand at the back of the court and quietly work the camera where it is safe.
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