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Everything posted by Thatguy

  1. Bissonnet is most def THE hooker street. However there are a bunch of them around Houston. Telephone/Wayside area. Airport Blvd by Hobby. Some others around town if you know how they operate. Girls at the bus stop aren't always catching the bus. Neither are girls holding the sign at the intersection always panhandling.
  2. They still have vaginas right? The one on the bottom is the kind of girl who will give you fuck your whole life up kind of sex. That's how NowThis got where he is.
  3. Lol. We are all on this message board daily. Let's not act like we are out here knocking em down on the reg.
  4. This is what we heard through people in the know at Houston Skyline. "Texas Bad" "No go to Texas"
  5. Man, sand is so much more relaxed than indoor. I am glad she is having a good time and the life in her eyes is starting to return. I am pretty sure our girls played against each other, and you guys seemed to be a pretty chill group. My daughter was the same. Beginning of 6th grade came down with Type 1. In the hospital for a couple weeks. When she got healthy the pandemic started. After that it was depression, withdrawal, and every other scary thing that comes with that. Getting her into vball was the saving grace. Slowly but surely she is working her way back to being a confident, happy kid. She was so excited that club season was starting up. So know you are not alone in this my friend.
  6. Lol. Never seen that in middle school ball. It's club that seems to get crazy. There are some asshole parents in club for sure, but its the arrogant parents that make me laugh. Last year we played HJV, which is the 1st or 2nd best club in Houston depending on who you ask. One of the dads is chatting us up before the game, but he has this sense of arrogance(hello you poor guys on this lesser team) that the parents of kids that play on the top team of clubs like that seem to consistently have. Well, we wore their asses out, and wouldn't you know it, ole buddy doesn't wanna speak after the game. In fact, we played them quite a bit and he didn't speak again until THEY beat us.
  7. Vball is pretty crazy. I get why parents are like that though. For example, my daughter's team has 12 players. She is on a top club team so we travel nationally. Parents are told that they are paying for the training and not playing time, but as soon as their kid isn't seeing any PT they lose it. They spent thousands to travel all the way across the country to sit and watch their kid stand on the sideline for 2 or 3 days, plus the 5k or better for club fees. So they are mad and unhappy. Kids learn better by playing, so parents are desperate to get them some time. Clubs do not care about the development of your kid, they only care about what your kid can do for them to get their accolades, or that check every month. So that means if you are an undersized player, they will gladly keep you there to win now rather than move you to a position where you would have long term success. Then when you get into high school you get pushed out of the sport. So its really not the parents fault, it's really just the current climate of vball in this country as it pertains to the money grab that is club vball. These clubs could run with less girls per team so everyone is happy but instead they go with 12 for that extra money. @Steven Avery and I stand at the back of the court and quietly work the camera where it is safe.
  8. Coach February would've been run off before 05. Major Applewhite would've been the QB over Simms. VY would've been moved to receiver. Colt McCoy would've been replace by John Childs. Will Muschamp would've been fired halfway through 08. The list goes on and on. We are an awful, entitled fanbase. Lol. I cannot wait until TCU's current crop leaves and we see what Sonny Dykes really has to offer. Remember when this fanbase was excited over Manny Diaz and his fire zones? Then every team realized we had no gap integrity and ran different variations of the same running play every week until he was let go? I do. Remember when we hired Todd Orlando? Lol
  9. And that's why you get lumped in the "12-0 if we only had made this move" crowd.
  10. And your "idea" that because KSU ran on them that we could is speculation. TCU loaded the box on us, run blitzed, and dared us to throw it. That is not how they played KSU, and KSU wasn't busting run blocks consistently, nor was their star running back dancing around in the backfield getting tackled for no gain. Using the phrase "If we had done this we would be 12-0" is largely hyperbolic(though there have been some that have suggested that) on my part, but you get the picture of why I said it. People watch another team do something and use it as proof that we could've. We are who we are. They are who they are. At this point in the maturation process of this team we can't run on teams that are physical at the point of attack the way Michigan can. We are the 03 Longhorns had they played an Alabama level team OOC. Struggling but promising freshman QB. Star running back got 13 carries vs Arkansas, and 12 carries vs OU. A lot of good pieces on the O-line but still young. Star wide receiver playing seemingly selfish ball on the way out the door, that we were trying to force the offense to. Defense largely good but had a couple wtf games.
  11. Point was made emphatically sir. I should not have been surprised.
  12. Agreed on all accounts but damn! Come down with one or two of them. Some of those hit guys in the chest. 9 picks on the year. I guess you are a bit spoiled from watching the 09 team have 23. Hell, Blake Gideon fell into 6 that year, but what else would you expect from a coach on the field.
  13. Just go to the Ewers thread and read about 20 pages or so. Or you can have this one from the Clemson-UNC thread.
  14. You don't "say" a lot of things, but you imply them. You also leave yourself a nice out too, which is a smart play. You and Anastasias should be friends. You guys run the same playbook. KSU has a better line than we do, and a JR QB who can kept TCU honest with the passing game. Thus they had a little more space to run the football.
  15. Hindsight is always 20/20. So of course we are irritated that a coach didn't do something different in a loss. However, Surly takes it a step too far sometimes. "If we had only pulled out the QB who went 6-2 for the QB who went 2-2, we would've gone 12-0" might be my personal favorite.
  16. They just keep kicking them don't they? Trying to save face? Can't think of another reason.
  17. Hey, if we changed out the guy who lost two games for the other guy who lost 2 games we would be in the CFP yall. Math.
  18. This is where I have been. The deep shots are the issue not the passing game in and of itself. Get it out of his hands quick. Use the short passing game as a running attack. TCU was going to demand we show them we could throw it before they came out of what they were in, and we don't have a good enough line to run against loaded boxes. We went to that and then penalties n drops happened. We have lost in a variety of ways. One way is dropping all the INTs we had our hands on. We probably dropped double digits this year. Shame our linebacker has better hands than the secondary.
  19. I would agree as I am also an old. I just get tired of the "if we did this ONE thing we would be 12-0" crowd. A lot of stupid factors contributed to our current record.
  20. We handed it to our Heisman candidate in OT vs Tech. How did that work out for us? Doesn't guarantee a win.
  21. We ran for over 200 yards on OSU and we put the ball in our best player's hands vs Tech and he fumbled it in OT. We lost both games. Of our 4 losses, TCU is the only game we lost with less than 30 carries. It doesn't mean simply because we run more we win is all I am saying. Other factors can contribute to that.
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