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Everything posted by Lagunamadre

  1. Shit. I hope not. I've been assured that the summer heat will kill the virus. So we should be good.
  2. Obama has been writing his DNC keynote speech for 3 years now. He is going to eviscerate Trump in what might go down as one of the most watched speeches of all time. It will be perfectly delivered, the media will talk about it for 2 days, some 10 second zinger clip will go viral on twitter and get over a million likes. And Trump is going to lose his fucking mind.
  3. They are indeed. Trickle down economics has failed them, miserably. And they're too dumb to realize that.
  4. They are also fine drinking mountain dew for breakfast.
  5. They would have to get a grand jury to indict. Trump's tweets and Breitbart articles will not cut it in our judicial system. At some point you have to have the goods like in the case of Flynn, Manafort, Gates, Cohen, Stone.
  6. Using your example, it would be entrapment if the LEOs coerced a subject to lie about the tacos. That did not happen here. Flynn chose to lie about his conversations, he was not coerced to. This is not entrapment.
  7. Funny, the Republican Senator's just came out with a report noting that the Russian troll farms promoted Jill Stein as well. I'm sure you've read it. But, being a useful idiot like Stein is not illegal. Lying to the FBI about what you and the Kremlin are talking about is, hence why Flynn has been charged and will be found guilty if this goes to trial. No matter how loud you and your MAGA buddies yell BUT PETER STROZK.
  8. No, talking to Kyslyak was not proof of guilt. Lying to the FBI about what they talked about. Then admitting that he lied while under oath to a judge is what is proof of guilt. If he didn't lie to the FBI, then he lied to a Judge about his guilty plea. Also, lies aside, keep in mind Flynn was telling the Russian ambassador, who had just been a part of an orchestrated attack on our democracy, that they would ease the sanctions once they took over in January. A year before Flynn telling the Russians not to worry about what they did, he was being paid by RT (AKA Putin) to give a speech in Moscow and literally sat next to Putin at a dinner, none of which he disclosed to the US Gov. Go ahead and defend this law breaking Russian traitor while disparaging American law enforcement. It's a good look comrade.
  9. A 2004 article opining on the Bush presidency. https://www.commondreams.org/views04/1028-29.htm Such a wonderful description. I live in Houston and wear that quote as a badge of honor. It must be all the time I spent in Nuevo Laredo growing up that left me with an affinity for chaos.
  10. That would be a good defense. Guessing the prosecutors would probably point out that Flynn was a private citizen (not an "intelligence official") on December 29, 2016 when he spoke to the Russian ambassadors about sanctions. What would be your next defense after the courtroom got finished laughing at your first one?
  11. This brought up memories of my favorite description of Houston from Hunter S. Thompson. "Houston is a cruel, crazy town on a filthy river in east Texas with no zoning laws and a culture of sex, money and violence. It's a shabby, sprawling metropolis ruled by brazen women, crooked cops and super-rich pansexual cowboys who live by the code of the west—which can mean just about anything you need it to mean, in a pinch."''
  12. 1) Perjury trap isn't a legal thing. If somebody sets a "perjury trap" and catches somebody, that person is still guilty of perjury, that's how the law works. That's akin to telling your buddy "I got a ticket for going 100 in a 30, but I'm going to get off because the cop was setting a speed trap". 2) Regarding setting the trap? How did the FBI know Flynn would lie about his contacts with the Russians? When they asked him about his conversation, he lied about it, how did they know he would lie about it? Why did he lie about it? 3) The FBI handwritten notes have one sentence that he did not have the appearance of somebody who is lying, i.e. no stumbling over words, eyes looking up, fidgety, etc. So that is a pretty ginormous extrapolation to take one contemporaneous note from one agent and apply that the entirety of the FBI. They knew he was lying the second he lied, they already knew the answers to the questions. They charged him with lying. He pled guilty to it, under oath to a judge. Flynn fucking lied, to the FBI. That is a crime in this country. He will not get off. None of the bullshit that has come out changes the fact that he lied to Federal officers. Do the crime, pay the time. Or was Flynn would say/chant "lock him up, lock him up".
  13. I read that article this morning, nothing in that article comes close to exonerating Flynn from lying to the FBI. I don't really give a shit one way or another what happens to Flynn but if we are a country of law and order, Flynn is guilty, beyond a reasonable doubt.
  14. Asking Flynn a question is entrapment? So if the FBI already knows the answer to the question they ask you and you lie to them, this is now not a crime? My question to you, do you think Flynn lied to the FBI?
  15. Can somebody that speaks Trump/FoxNews help me understand on a legal basis how Flynn is exonerated in any of this? Isn't he charged with lying to the FBI? Does this change that he lied to the FBI? I'm confused by all of the Flynn exoneration talk.
  16. Just the other day I found myself in a corner, fetal position, inconsolably whaling because I had briefly thought about Hussein Obama's mustard preference.
  17. Same way you shut off a water hose. A bit more complicated but same concept. The question is what are the repercussions. There are consequences to the operators from losing their oil and gas leases (which can be extremely valuable in normal times,) to losing their revenue preventing them from making debt payments/making payroll, to compromising the integrity of the wellbore (so when they turn it back on it's not the same quality of producer as it was prior). It's literally the first time this has ever happened (nowhere to put it/zero value) in modern history. So there will be a ton of litigation and in the end judges, regulators and banks will decide the extent of the consequences.
  18. Or just an average game at DKR at kickoff in the last decade.
  19. I'm not sure there is enough reasoning there with which to find an error.
  20. When they run out of excuses to defend his behavior, lock the thread, lest it not be a safespace for all those little Trump snowflakes.
  21. I'm sure that's the least of it. There is a reason that one of the things Trump is most passionate about is making sure his tax returns never see the light of day. I mean he's taking it to the fucking supreme court for God's sake.
  22. Says the guy whose probably never even bankrupted a casino.
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