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Patrick Bateman

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Everything posted by Patrick Bateman

  1. If you can't get a yard, then it's on you. Going for 2 was the correct decision at the time. Wasn't crazy about the option play, but it was there, Schultz is simply having a bad game. Moving on, Zeke is running tough again today. Very nice to see. And there it is!!! A little bit of protection finally and bomb to Amare, who's playing on 1 leg. Wasn't someone saying he sucked early?
  2. Jarwin and Dak don't seem on the same page. Twice now.
  3. Steele's really bad in space. He's good in the run game when it's just line up and blast off the ball, but when he's put in space, he whiffs a ton. Again on the screen, he can't engage and it gets blown up. That should have been a 10 yard gain.
  4. That's on Quinn. They obviously saw something on the tape. Brady is very good. He'll be a HC soon.
  5. Jaylon's best plays are usually vs the screen game. When he flashes or makes plays, it's generally in blowing up a screen.
  6. Why did we decline? And then we rush 3? McCarthy is a moron.
  7. Took it away. Damn it..... Schultz is really bad and understanding down and distance and manipulating his body to get past the marker. He's improved a ton but it's something he has to work at.
  8. I don't think Schultz is in, but I'll take it and I like the decision although not crazy about the call.
  9. Steele totally missed the seal there. Now we have to punt.
  10. Defense lives up to their reputation. We're so bad vs the run.
  11. Amari look done for the day..... Our WR depth is really really being tested. With how he looked on the sideline, that looks multi-week.
  12. FGs ain't gonna get it done. Just terrible execution on the offensive end. OL is leaky, Casey has issues reading 2nd level in zone and the WRs are dropping everything. I guess the good news is there's a lot which can be improved.
  13. The pass rush is fucking awful. He has time to make sandwich back there.
  14. And in case people forgot if Pop is quality people. Style and pace change....
  15. You have a state full of natural resources which looks and functions like a third world country. You default on things or go bankrupt. Texas is already a bottom 10 state in terms of infrastructure (roads, dams, bridges, effective and efficient travel systems). Texas is below average state in terms of their educational system ranking anywhere from 28th to 36th in education for children. Texas is often ranked in the bottom 10 as far as healthcare by state. Texas is one of the 10 worst state's in wealth disparity by many rankings. Much of this is because of the state's tax structure is abhorrent and frankly, stupid. If you're not going to have a state income tax, and you want to reduce or eliminate property taxes,then increasing sales taxes (which are generally considered a recessive tax) is only exacerbating all the problems with Texas has with it's state's fiscal policy. In other words, it's would be the fiscal platform of folks who don't understand economics.
  16. They need to fire McCarthy anyway. He's a fucking terrible gameday coach and his inability to understand the basics of clock management along with his other long list of negatives puts a severe cap on the upside of this team. He's pretty bad.
  17. Percentage of the cap in the initial year with 8% raises for the duration of the contract.
  18. And if a player or person still clings to this rather flimsy excuse to continue to live without taking a vaccine in a global pandemic than that is their right here in America. However, the NBA is a private enterprise and therefore, if a league decides it wants to have all of it's players and staff should be vaccinated for health and safety purposes, than that player, or executive, or support staff doesn't have to continue to participate in the league. Maybe Ice Cube's 3 man league will pick them up, but it still should be a mandate and those persons who it's important to not get vaccinated need to start walking the walk. Don't take the vaccine, sit out, and don't get paid. That should be the choice, but the choice would still be their's. Conversely......
  19. Here's another moron who hasn't been vaccinated. His ass is lucky this didn't happen during the season. Again, jam down the NBAPA's throat they way they do everything else.
  20. Maybe very late but knowing him and his capacity for injury, probably not.
  21. Kareem is 100% correct. The NBA needs to be strong in their stance, mandate vaccines or they don't have to pay their salaries. Let the players try and sue them.
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