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Patrick Bateman

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Everything posted by Patrick Bateman

  1. Nice stop. The blitz was shown so against a better QB they probably audible out. That was a pretty shit call by Tech too, but we'll take it.
  2. JFC Jamison..... my lord. The entire secondary is worrisome.
  3. Yea, if Schooler is in the two deep, you have to wonder about the talent behind him. I'm sure he's a great practice player but his lack of speed was evident there. No field coverage. OU will definitely have a field day if they can set up PA. Bijan is just a joy to watch.
  4. Our pass defense is scary inconsistent. Our safety play has a lot of holes.
  5. Pick 6 baby!!!! That was an awful, awful read by the QB. Josh was sitting on it.
  6. Reminds me of a better Chris O, who went on to have a nice little career in the pros. I think RoJo can do the same.
  7. Agreed. Some folks will applaud the "aggressiveness", but it's simply unnecessary risk. If it was 4th an 11, then go for it.
  8. Scheme dictates Foster has to make that play there..... It's exactly his responsibility. Small mistakes turn this from an early blowout to a game now.
  9. Love's perspective is he was being scapegoated by Colangelo so he could be the fall guy if the US lost because Colangelo did such a shitty job in assembling the roster. IMHO, Love should never have been even considered but I get they were getting desperate.
  10. So....... this isn't good. This is really bad too..... remember, Neal is very questionable and Armstrong is already out. Parsons probably getting 30 snaps at DE. Seems we're not doing well with COVID protocols and responsibility.
  11. This is correct if there is outlet not to pay him. You don't cut him because he wont' get the vaccine, you look at ways to suspend him without pay or to break the contract.
  12. Absolutely agree. I think he's embarrassed and scared to shoot outside of the lane now. If he could just become a 30 or low 30% 3 point shooter and get his FT% above 70%, which it's going in the right direction (still far away) then you have a pretty special player skill wise. What kind of kid is he? Is he a head case? How hungry is he to get better? These are a lot of the questions that surround him but considering the position we're in, it may make sense to take a chance on him with his type of upside if you can get suitable answers on those questions. I wonder if Philly regrets not trading to him us when we were shopping Kawhi? Now his value is probably 65% of what it was back then. Morey seems like a dick so he may just say, fuck him and our season, we'll just try and call his bluff though.
  13. The issue with this, is Philly's 2 best players play the same general position as Wiseman and Wiggins. Wiggins not as much as he can play a few positions, but he's terrible and would be in the trade for money purposes. Wiseman is the issue, Embiid doesn't really want more traffic when he posts or ISO's. He's not really a natural fit and would push Harris to a 3, when Philly probably is best running him as a small ball 4. They need shooters and a creator if they're moving Simmons. So while I get why folks would say the Warriors because they just look at the players they could move and maybe Philly doesn't really care about how the pieces fit, they just want pieces, but they would probably need another trade. A 3 team deal may make more sense. The other issue is..... Wiggins sucks. I guess he only has 2 years left, but 65m for a guy who finally maxed out as an average player. No thanks.
  14. I'm sort of convinced you can't un-fuck that shooting motion. Make him into a more athletic Jason Kidd. Basically try to fix his FT shooting and his standstill 3 point shooting. Don't worry about his mid-range or pull up game.... he'll never have one and if you do that, you have a 10 time All-Star.
  15. So, I'll give it a 10% chance but a lot of folks speculating on the Spurs making a run at Simmons. Probably cost Murray or Keldon, another player and a pick or two.
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