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Everything posted by LTbear

  1. But if they're both receiving sensation from said snapper... I dunno, I think it counts.
  2. That is the most Texan photo that ever Texaned.
  3. Lol. Plenty of reasons to dislike Maher, but good god, could not get a bigger eye roll.
  4. Uh what the fuck, any follow up? What happened? Medically I mean.
  5. Why can't we even fucking play the 12 team CFP before the need to do this shit.
  6. I live in Montana. Most of the Californians that move here are conservative Republicans, not the typical stereotype of California. Native-born Montanans are very much independent to Libertarian in their views, to a large degree, but the people moving here are more conservative than liberal.
  7. Way more competition for football viewership in Texas vs Wisconsin.
  8. I think it attracts many just because it's a very large forum talking sports. I've hung around previously just because there's a lot of activity. And the Lulz board is great.
  9. Comedian fainting is from 2022. Clip got widely circulated by some anti-vaxxer nutjob who made a "documentary " called Died Suddenly. (She's doing fine)
  10. My mind can't even comprehend how that shit is real
  11. If my sister doesn't go, neither will my mom or other sister. They can only afford one vacation a year and they'll just pick somewhere else that everyone is ok with. So BIL being uneducated causes chain reaction I can't control.
  12. Unfortunately if he doesn't go neither does my sister and her kid.
  13. Family was planning trip to Big Bend in the spring when the bluebonnets are blooming there. Brother in law flatly shut it down because "My family isn't going there until they fix the border problem."
  14. Good season, tough game. Still no better place in the FCS to see a game than Missoula.
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