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Everything posted by LTbear

  1. https://x.com/LasVegasLocally/status/1742670392849060162?s=20
  2. And more species are going extinct now than at any other time in earth history that wasn't a mass extinction event That we have innovated doesn't making carrying capacity magically go away, it simply pushes it upward. The concept is rock solid, in every species ever studied, from bacteria on up. Yes, it's great that our own innovations have allowed us to get more out of less. No, it doesn't mean the earth could sustain 50 billion of us. And it absolutely doesn't mean the earth could sustain that many with enough room left over for anything else. These are not hard concepts yet you seem to believe technology is some sort of fucking magic.
  3. Last two posts: Oh I'd fuck that. Oh fuck that.
  4. Not my pic, but someone else that took it flying out today (lights were left on in celebration).
  5. I still hold out hope for the "Snow Belt" conference someday becoming a reality.
  6. The worst part would be that by the point where that video cutoff the inside of that bubble would be like a washing machine fully of diarrhea.
  7. Taken from my bedroom balcony last February (Montana):
  8. Montana football is one of the largely unknown gems of the sport
  9. But just so no one is confused, the theropod shown in the image this is commenting on is a Ceratosaurus, not a Tyrannosaur.
  10. I like the helmet. But it also looks likes a bowling ball.
  11. TCU/ Baylor is scheduled every year...
  12. Can't tell if the noise at the end is the guy intentionally trying to scare it away or if that's just the noise of a man violently shitting himself.
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