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Chet Steadman

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Posts posted by Chet Steadman

  1. 23 hours ago, Wally Pryor said:


    Our next chance of rain will coincidently be brought on by a very similar weather pattern as our last storm. Our flooding rain last week was brought to us by the remains of once Hurricane Pamela out in the Eastern Pacific which later weakened over the mountains of Mexico. The moisture of the remains of Pamela collided with a deepening trough and an approaching front. Setting the stage for that flooding event. This time around we could similarly have another potential weakening Pacific tropical storm colliding with a deepening trough and influencing our weather here at home in about a week’s time.





  2. 2 hours ago, Storm the Field said:

    Looks like we get another week and a half of Diet Summer before any more fronts roll through. Back to 85/70 days until Halloween weekend. 

    What do the longer range models show for Halloween Weekend?

    We've been lucky the last few years where most the Halloween’s have been colder than usual 

  3. On 10/4/2021 at 10:26 PM, Chuckie Finster said:

    James Austin Johnson had one of the strongest debut episodes I can remember. Looking forward to seeing more from him.

    They’re definitely pushing him in as many skits as possible.  

    Just watched the Kim K episode from this past weekend.  She was a tremendously awful host.  

  4. 12 hours ago, Chad said:

    #1713 was a good listen, unless you're woke.

    Nearly ten minutes into this episode.  Is there a part where I can fast forward to something of substance on this “good listen” or are Joe and this guy going to just continue to talk about how Biden didn’t really get a COVID vaccine and it was all placebos for the next 2.5hrs?

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. As a general rule, I typically avoid chains but I make exceptions for North and his other concepts.  TrueFood is great too.  

    I haven’t been to North Domain in years but grabbing a nightcap and dessert at the bar at the Second Street location is something we do quite frequently.  

    Tons of talent running around in there and great people watching.  

  6. Question for those who have done it recently.  I have what most would consider to be a large pool, approx 35’ x 20’ and a depth around 9’ which I’ll be draining and re-tiling this winter.  When it’s time to refill this thing, should I plan to simply drop in a couple hoses or do I need to have a truck come fill the water?

    My pool guy told me it should only cost a couple hundred to fill from a hose but that seems awfully low.  I had a leak a few years back which couldn’t get repaired for about three weeks and I was needing to fill my pool up 2-3” every few days.  My water bill that month was around $1500.   

    Just trying to determine whether or not I need to be preparing for a several thousand dollar water bill after dropping some serious coin for the redo.  

    I’m City of Austin, fwiw.   

  7. When all of this is over it would be interesting to compare this summer to Summer 2007.  

    I would guess May-June-July ‘07 had a higher rainfall amount but this summer has had more days of measurable rain.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. I was reading a story a couple months ago about an individual and his weight loss journey.  I don’t remember the specifics but when he started he was in the 5’9” - 5’10 range and around 350lbs.  

    Like many of you suggested, he documented everything he consumed.  But, taking it one step further, he also journaled his friends and families reactions so he could use it as motivation along the way.  

    What he found was interesting and ultimately became the greater “story” within his story.  Almost all of the feedback he received the first 100-120 lbs of his weight loss were what you expected: constant encouragement, praisings of his physical appearances, offers from people to join him on his morning walks, near constant pats on the back, etc.  

    However, as he continued to lose the weight he ultimately fell below the “normal” weight of that of his social group and he began noticing the responses from his friends changed drastically.  

    Suddenly the comments of “you look great, keep up the good work!” gave way to “don’t you feel like you’ve earned a break?” and near constant pushing of people urging him to sneak in a dessert or two, encouraging to incorporate more cheat days and meals into his diet, etc.  

    The last 20lbs of his journal basically became people non-stop trying to talk him out of everything they had praised him for the first year+        

    The piece went much more in depth on the matter but the crux of it was everyone was encouraging of his actions until it ultimately turned the mirror on them.  

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  9. On 6/24/2021 at 7:51 PM, conVINCEd said:

    Ice delivery as well if the manager of my local convenience store is to be believed.  As an aside, don’t ever buy a Samsung refrigerator if you value ice production.

    Totally anecdotal but during my Saturday morning beer run this morning I noticed, perhaps for the first time ever, HEB was completely out of ice.  

    It may just be coincidental but that was the first time I’d ever seen that occur.  

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