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Harrison Stafford

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Everything posted by Harrison Stafford

  1. Well, we don’t have to use as much cap signing a first round pick.
  2. Yeeeeeessssssss!!!!!! AdCom voted 12-2 to recommend the approval of GERN’s drug, Imetelstat, to the FDA. Healing people and making money is a damn good combination. GO GERON!
  3. The afternoon session of the AdCom has begun. Round two. Hold onto your butts.
  4. GERN will probably be halted all day,
  5. Aggy and Trey Alberts. A marriage made in hell.
  6. Indeed. And we’re pulling for the same teams. Namaste.
  7. Whether you’re a millennial or Generation Z, you’re just a punk who doesn’t know shit. Once you’ve accepted that, you’ll receive a higher level of consciousness. GL.
  8. I’m a boomer and I have no trouble making a post on FB every damn day, Your grandfather’s shortcomings are probably due to his dementia.
  9. If the AdCom committee doesn’t approve GERN’s, Imetelstat, on an eight week transfusion argument, they need to revoke BMY‘s drug approval of, Luspatercept, which used the same milestone. Luspatercept’s efficacy is a quarter of that of Imetelstat and the study used less sick patients.
  10. Give the injured players plenty of time to heal and come back healthy next season. It’s not like we were going to win the NBA championship this year anyway.
  11. Had to add this one as well. As legend has it, the members of Iron Butterfly were so stoned when they recorded the track that they could neither pronounce the title “In the Garden of Eden” or end the track, so it ended up filling the whole side of the album coming in at a full 17 minutes of psychedelic rock.
  12. One of the earliest psychedelic tunes.
  13. Oh, they’ll be riled up soon enough.
  14. Making friends and making money. Why not both?
  15. GERN’s AdCom date is this Thursday. March 14th. That committee will decide if GERN’s drug, Imetelstat, should be submitted to the FDA for approval. I think the drug works. Lengthening the time between transfusions generally increases survival. Imetelstat treats the cause not just the symptoms and is therefore a disease modifying drug. And, if this one gets recommended and approved, the next phase 3 is treating myelofibrosis using the same drug… It should be approved as well. So, if there’s a green light for GERN on Thursday, I expect the stock to move a couple bucks (it’s currently at $2.23). It’s the FDA decision that will have the biggest impact on the share price. The PDUFA, target date is in May, but after AdCom, the FDA doesn’t have to wait that long to make a decision and they could decide to give the drug approval much earlier. Have owned GERN for eleven l-o-n-g years and we’re at the finish line. If Imetelstat is not approved, it’s likely the beginning of the end for Geron. This is Biotech and it’s as close as you can get to a casino. Long GERN 6000 shares at a cost basis of $3.19. IBRX +.48 to $5.53. The PDUFA date for IBRX’s drug, Anktiva, is April 23rd. Anktiva has, virtually, no side effects and is better than the current standard of care…..what’s not to like. Long IBRX 27,800 shares at a cost basis of $9.77.
  16. I like any offensive lineman that’s not Kenyon Green.
  17. I’m an old (just became a septuagenarian) and I have never seen a college QB who could take over a game like Vincent Paul Young Jr. He’s the Magic Man.
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