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Everything posted by Jebus

  1. I keep watching but the rest of this gif doesn’t seem to be loading. Servers must still be borked, I’ll keep watching.
  2. Are these people more like “if we go down this road my checkbook is closed to the Texas AD” or “I’ll contribute to a new practice field but keep my money out of the NIL pot”?
  3. Whittington has been fucking great so far this season
  4. Working so hard to prop up Franklin now, it’s crazy that UTSA has their own network
  5. Literally a misinterpretation of the rules as written wtf
  6. Don’t know what the deal is with the injury but wow, card is just looking so bad
  7. Yeah, it’s all the same people who were so thankful for his help when they couldn’t find the stadium
  8. Hahahaha, good thing they smartly saved their timeouts to prevent app state from running the clock down
  9. Pretty spot on except for the stuff about Ewers. It seems some of them would rather have him than what they trot out on Saturdays. But that’s crazy, ewers was begging the aggies to take him and jimbo told him to fuck off, and trust in jimbo
  10. Guessing it will be some combo of: - stupid sips, they lost, no moral victories - ewers is a cancer and a primadonna and should have played - bama didn’t want to be there, but still beat tu and the refs - Jimbo finished bama off last year, sark sucks - hoping for a QB controversy since Texas almost won with card - if shitty tu hung this close, the fightin’ Texas aggies will roll - that was Texas’ Super Bowl, wait till they lose to Kansas (special bonus for an even greater lack of self awareness than usual on this one) - SEC SEC SEC
  11. He thinks he’s here to show dominance over both Texas and Bama, but in reality he’s set to perform a clown routine during a 1st quarter TV timeout
  12. Yes, Jimbo is a super rough tough genius badass, trust in jimbo, look how he made Jameis Winston a NC winning QB. Everyone is afraid of A&M and the only thing holding us back is the fact that all the powers that be are aligned against us but we're still gonna win as long as everyone squeezes harder also Jimbo is gonna go 8-4 and is fucking up royally by playing the wrong QB, stop being a pussy and get the freshman in there pronto, we're shooting ourselves in the dick over here time really is a flat circlejerk over there
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