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Everything posted by Steamboat1874

  1. I am in the new home building supply business and I can tell you the difference in Horton and other large builders, at least in Central Texas is, you can lean out of your window on the side of your house in a Horton home and shake your neighbors hand because they are only about 6 to 8 feet apart.
  2. Green Acres was there until the mid 70's at least. I loved that place and I still remember every hole on that course. The only photo I can find.....
  3. Believe me I have no problem with people that hunt deer and eat them. I wish you would wipe them all out so I am less likely to hit one while driving. But trophy hunters are a whole other deal and they should be in jail.
  4. He also is not a hunter. Always makes me laugh at these deer "hunters" because they put these auto feeders out and feed the deer for 9 or so months and then climb up in a sniper tower and shoot them when they come out to feed in November. Not much "hunting" in that scenario.
  5. You mean a rocket that will explode at about 500 feet?
  6. And where would you put all of the radioactive waste it produces?
  7. NCAA may pull all championships from states that pass anti-transgender bills.
  8. Which could cost Texas a chance to host a regional by the way.
  9. Not what I was talking about. Talking about rankings and seeding in the tournament.
  10. Most of you are too young to remember this fruit loop.....
  11. Margin of victory in baseball is totally insignificant.
  12. Nothing says "Shorty's" like that pic. I love the place.
  13. It is amazing how many people that think putting cayenne pepper in the batter of chicken is the greatest thing on Earth totally ignoring the fact that the actual chicken sucks.
  14. Watched In The Heat Of The Night. What an outstanding movie and Sidney Poitier and Rod Steiger were just amazing in it. The cool of Poitier's character in that film is just straight up incredible especially early on.
  15. Got my 2nd Pfizer on Monday at 3PM. 12 hours later I was sick as a dog for about 48 hours. Good now.
  16. One thing for sure he looks nothing like this guy Buddy.
  17. What the fuck is that guy that comes out from behind the counter supposed to be? Looks like he has donkey legs.
  18. I saw that film at The Paramount in Austin when it came out. I was 11. Loved it. James Garner did a lot of his own driving in it.
  19. One of the greatest of all time with incredible acting from the entire cast.
  20. I would love to see Ken Burns do a series on the Negro Leagues. Some of the greatest players of all time. Would be fascinating.
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