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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Sawbonz

  1. 1 hour ago, Born to Run said:
    3 hours ago, bolverk said:
    This is the problem I see with a lot of "conservatives" I know: they don't think shit through. I put quotes around "conservative" because they're actually just knee-jerk reactionaries. Yours is a great example.
    • Another would be the lower-my-taxes-no-matter-what crowd (Roads will crumble, yo. That fire truck won't pay for itself.).
    • Or the I-want-God-back-in-school (Are you sure you want *their* god in your kid's school?).
    • And the people-shouldn't-be-on-welfare folks (Cool. So, are you willing to have your mother-in-law, who's on social security, move in with you?).
    I imagine most of them are really shitty chess players, as they can't seem to think more than a step or two ahead.
    Of course, this applies to some liberals as well, mostly younger people, but the majority of them eventually grow out of it.

    I suspect they suck at Checkers as well, and Candyland. Probably flip the board over with Monopoly.


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  2. 2 hours ago, Longhornlove said:

    Congrats, I don't see myself ever pulling the lever for the big D either. I honestly hate both parties, just hate the Democrat party way worse. FYI, IMHO Biden is the biggest pandering political liar of my lifetime.

    Were you in a coma from 2015 until this morning?

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  3. 5 hours ago, High Plains Drifter said:


    Also lot of kids died from diseases that are now preventable by....



    yep, you guessed it...






    (No, not Frank Stallone)


    You saying Frank Stallone can’t beat polio? 

    • Fuck You 1
  4. 9 hours ago, YGIFS said:

    Yeah, her office literally said people shouldn't be so concerned with this book/dead dog story, when the Southern border is in crisis

    I mean, basically, she just laid out her blueprint on how to fix it

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  5. 59 minutes ago, BamaATL said:

    The funny thing is, people that are good at development don't stop at 1 building.  If you do well at it, there is no shortage of people wanting to work with you to then do 2 new ones after the fact, and so on and so on.  Yes developers go thru hot streaks and cold streaks, some will even be bankrupted and reconstituted, but nonetheless, they continue to work and bring forth new developments.  Funny how that never happened.  

    I’m pretty sure if you don’t pay your subs word spreads quickly 

    • Fuck You 1
  6. On 4/14/2024 at 8:16 PM, freyguy said:

    I recently rewatched the original.  Terrible writing.  Every line was a cliche.  Sam Elliot was the only guy holding it together.  Then they killed him.....

    Then saw the remake.  Actually enjoyed it for what it was, especially compared to the trashy original.  Only wish they had a similar character as Wade.

    Did helobious steal your login? 

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  7. 19 minutes ago, Red Five said:

    Well she’s got people right? Like, PR people? Who I assume would read it prior to being published.

    LOL you think any of her “people” ever tell her no? 

    have you not been paying attention the past 10 years?


    Edit it’s the most perfect puppy murder story. Many people are saying more misbehaving pets should be put down. Virtually all behavior experts and veterinarians agree there or no alternatives to death in these instances

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  8. Imagine being a grown man and you need your mom to bail you out of jail


    eta this reminds me of the crazy dude in Kansas or Missouri who duct taped his mistress to some fitness equipment in his basement or garage, got kicked out of office and then ran for something else. Did he wind up winning?

    • Haha 1
  9. I think he is talking about their public profiles. What he said is true among my kids and their “friends” (late teens to early twenties) 1000 followers and following and a handful of pics / posts


    finsta is where everything goes

  10. 14 minutes ago, ClubWhatever said:

    Draft coverage is extremely grating.

    Thats why I’m following this thread. It’s only mildly grating 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 3 minutes ago, 956 Worldwide said:

    Dumb AF, and also with the dog.  Take him to sale barn or slaughter and freezer him if it’s that big of a problem but go the gravel pit and shoot him twice cause you messed it up the first time” is psycho behavior. 

    Sometimes country people do have put down dogs for killing livestock, usually getting in with newborn calves, lambs, and goats.  Killing a purebred wire haired pointer for killing chickens is nuts.  “We have a dog that’s not cut out for the working life, does anyone in town want a pet” is the solution. 


    There is a big feral dog problem right now. Assholes from the city dump them in the country. A lone one will slink around until someone takes it in or it starves, but if 2 or more hook up they quickly revert to their pack hunter instincts and can be as devastating as wolves to livestock. They have to be put down. What she did she did out of bloodlust


    also I didn’t realize the goat was the same day holy shit

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