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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by BradInATX

  1. Because a person that truly understands the depth, meaning, and impact of the concept of white supremacy, and doesn't have a single bone in their body that has even a fraction of a percent that sympathizes with white supremacy would never, ever make a white supremacy gesture, even jokingly. If you can conjure up a scenario in your head where you and your buddies jokingly make a white supremacy gesture to each other, there is some part of you that is okay with the concept of white supremacy and white supremacists and you need to do some soul searching.
  2. You think that a normal person who detests white power would give a white power hand sign "for the memes"? Dude I've sort of had your back because I thought you had some intellectual curiosity, but this is fucking idiotic.
  3. Do you think someone that has the morally and ethically correct opinion of white power (that it's abhorrent) would ever flash a white power hand sign "for the meme"?
  4. I honestly skimmed this thread because it sucks but if you think the murderer kid's OK sign meant anything except the white power thing you belong on Texags. Not saying you in particular because I don't remember who suggested that.
  5. If you want to know who on this board would feel at home on the Texags Qanon thread, wait a few hours and look at the list of posters that rep this post.
  6. I can loan you some cash if you're that hard up that $1400 bucks is really important to you. I'm a charitable guy. Shoot me a PM.
  7. The funniest part about FitLump's district being up in arms is the lack of self awareness. They actually believe homeless people can make northwest Austin worse. It's a soulless boring shithole that Austin should renounce and allow Leander or Round Rock to annex. A homeless shelter would make that area better.
  8. Have you read this board? Or literally this thread? We have plenty here.
  9. Is there any concrete reason you say it's good for everyone to get the same benefits? Or is it just something you feel should be fair?
  10. Sort of the point of my post. The same types who scoff at and create racist code words for minorities on government assistance are now demanding a government handout. EuroHorn is a good example. If you read his posting history he's absolutely the type of guy that sits around with his buddies and bitches about welfare queens and thugs and Obamaphones, and here he is on this very thread with his hand out like a good little panhandler, demanding free money.
  11. Considering it appears that he's gone through every lawyer in the country and is only left with the 3-5 people who refuse to ever tell him no, I doubt anyone in his orbit is in position to tell him no. But I also think Trump is smarter than he acts, and I'd bet on him being more controlled post-presidency than the "off the reservation" prediction that some here have made. A lot of his lunacy was enabled by his power. He's in a much more vulnerable position today than he was a month ago, and even his dumb ass knows it.
  12. I mean I generally agree. Especially given that there are a lot of finances way out of whack due to Covid and there's no real way to capture "need". But it's still an interesting phenomenon that all of the sudden, "fiscal conservatives" in the top 3-4% of wealth in the country are welfare queens.
  13. That's because all these fuckers are lawyers who make $400k but somehow finagle it to look like they lose money every year. Did not get stimulus. Fine with not getting the second round. I'm fine, don't need it and if I get it it's going straight into the retirement account which doesn't stimulate the economy. It's funny how the few Republicans posting on this thread are being welfare queens all of the sudden. Gimme gimme gimme!
  14. Good policy is good policy. He still put a dog in a kennel on the roof of his car so he can eat a dick for eternity, though.
  15. Unlikely. @henrygandorf and I had a pretty extensive back and forth a year or two ago about the fact that we had both worked for guys that basically have almost identical personalities (and disorders) to Trump. If he's around he can attest to the same thing I'm about to. Sometimes you can corral them for awhile but it ultimately ends up with a severe backlash and the fallout is usually elevated extreme behavior. There's an inevitable cycle of "it's working" -> the subject realizing they're being "handled" -> extreme, destructive reaction -> the handler leaving or being fired. Which is why you saw Trump go through more cabinet members and advisors than any president in history. There were many times where you could see brief glimpses of him being under control. They lasted about five minutes until he went off teleprompter. He was never restrained for any significant period of time.
  16. I'm not even saying she's wrong. But it's hilarious that there's a group of people so triggered by Austin that all you have to do is be so incompetent that you were surprised by the content of materials readily to you as a council member, and you become a hero to said group.
  17. I carpet bombed your mom's body with some proteins last night
  18. I've wondered all my life to what extreme levels of partisan hackery one would have to devolve into in order to find themselves defending a known terrorist and murderer making white supremacist hand gestures. Now I know. Thanks Surly!
  19. It's OK to make white supremacist hand signs as long as you're just joking and trolling
  20. It's only a matter of time before the sociopath who can't hold down a job or custody of her child becomes a hero to all of the triggered by Austin crew. It's already happening. It makes sense for that crowd though. She's perfect for them. "One of us! One of us!"
  21. How long was it to you guys opening your pools once gunite was finished?
  22. I hate them even more now that I've learned that they pay employees a dollar or two above minimum wage. Virtue signaling libtards imo.
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