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Everything posted by rpspeed

  1. This may be the next post by Messageboard Genius on twitter
  2. seems he's had quite a few intentional grounding calls as well
  3. he did and its true. I live in Texarkana and they hate Texas as much today as they did when they left for the SEC.
  4. Wife went in on her off day to do monoclonal antibody infusions to help reduce the backlog. Patient got up and hugged her when she was done and said you are so sweet for doing this. Lets see how the N95, face shield, gown and 2400 antibody count work out.
  5. Pfizer. My wife got her pfizer booster a week and a half before testing and read 2420. She's on a a lot of immunosuppressants for her RA and had zero side effects from all 3 shots so we were happy to see she had a response.
  6. I tested above range as well. The zero number means it didn't detect that you've had an actual covid infection so no natural antibodies(I think lol)
  7. Kind of how they are doing it here, except your first extra shift is time and half plus $600, the second+ is time and half plus $800 Some are trading. Some are just quitting and going to work for a home health/travel nurse agency and coming back to the same job/hospital at $150/hr instead of the $35-$40 they were making. The nurses that stay are then pissed off at making a third or less of what the person beside them is making.
  8. How effective is the vaccine while on immune suppressing drugs? My wife just had her 3rd shot and has had zero side effects from all 3 shots. I know the first two she quit taking the drugs for a week but dont think she did for the 3rd.
  9. thats how I got mine so early as well
  10. She told me that a few weeks ago, it may be a little higher now but 30% is still higher than the general population in the area
  11. Wife has RA so she went to Target and got her 3rd shot today. She said the pharmacy tech didn't ask her anything about underlying conditions. She also got an email from the hospital she works at. They are going to pay every employee that gets/has had the vaccine $250. Currently about 30% of the employees are vaccinated.
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