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Everything posted by EMAWesome

  1. I guess the other possibility would be the eggheads who came up with this model in the first place had no idea what they were doing.
  2. Another update, projected death down another 20,000. Now down to 60,415. But Trump has no idea what he's doing. https://covid19.healthdata.org/united-states-of-america
  3. A bit dated but since this "conservative" just wrote an editorial for The Washington Post praising Joe Biden this seems like a good time to pull this out of the files.
  4. It also doesn't mean that no one should get it but that is the kind of crap the mainstream media believes and they amplify it every chance they get.
  5. A stake that may be as little as $99. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/trumps-personal-stake-in-the-malaria-drug-maker-sanofi-could-be-as-small-as-99-2020-04-07?mod=home-page
  6. So, say I lived in New Jersey and I had a Pink Floyd cover band playing at the government protest I was holding in my front yard. The cops should have no right to break up my protest.
  7. The question is how much of your freedom are you willing to give up to accomplish that? I suppose it might even be a two part question. How much are you willing to give up temporarily (and what exactly constitutes temporarily, a week, a month, a year, a decade?) and how much are you willing to give up permanently because once government takes freedom away from you it never gives all that it took back.
  8. Everyday this forum proves that the truly brainwashed do not know they have been brainwashed. And to cut your reply off at the pass, I don't post here everyday.
  9. I have no earthly idea why anyone with a brain would be upset about either of those Tweets.
  10. You've got the cult on the wrong foot.
  11. I didn't realize Nancy Pelosi and Bill DeBlasio were Republicans.
  12. The only thing I'm worried about is election fraud.
  13. University of Washington has updated their projections https://covid19.healthdata.org/projections Projected deaths by Aug. 4 now 81,766 (assuming social distancing regulations remain in effect through May). Also has projections for every state.
  14. We'll find out in November. I'm not worried unless they decide to hold the election by mail. If that happens half the country is not going to believe the results no matter what happens.
  15. You mean like when the Democrats were calling Trump racist and xenophobic after he issued the China travel ban? Or like the Democrats holding up a relief bill to put funding for the Kennedy Center and the National Endowment for the Arts into it? I could go along with what you say if you would have phrased it as "for them, being a politician is more important than leading people to safety." because both parties have done things in their interests instead of the country's interest.
  16. I was thinking it and then you said it.
  17. Assuming those small businesses aren't landlords of apartment complexes or homes who depend on that rent for their own income to use to pay their bills. There is a whole domino effect of this that starts with tenants not being able to pay rent and ends with banks taking it in the nuts because the realtors they have lent money to can't make payments on those loans. Don't get me wrong, I'm not arguing for making people pay rent during this. I'm pointing out that even what seems like a reasonable and decent idea during this can have bad side effects. Also local and state governments are not the federal government. They can't run a budget deficit into the billions and trillions like Washington does. How are state and local governments going to give financial assistance to anyone if they can't collect property taxes? Again, reasonable and decent idea on the surface but bad side effects lurking underneath the surface.
  18. I know I have never been subject to anything remotely close to this in terms of restrictions of personal freedoms by various government authorities and I'm old enough to remember being pissed off at the Watergate hearings for preempting my cartoons when I was a kid. No one knows what the actual breaking point is but this is as close as we have ever been to it since I've been alive.
  19. Can you define "compelling cause"? I'm betting that would be as subjective as "essential business."
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