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Everything posted by EMAWesome

  1. One through six definitely in order, seven through ten maybe in order a lot more flux in that area. 1. It's Too Late To Stop Now-Van Morrison 2. Waiting for Columbus-Little Feat 3. Alchemy-Dire Straits 4. Exile on Main Street-Rolling Stones 5. Physical Graffiti-Led Zeppelin 6. Second Helping-Lynard Skynard 7. Live at Ronnie Scott's-Jeff Beck 8. Winterland '73-Grateful Dead 9. Lone Justice-Lone Justice 10. Nothing but the Water-Grace Potter and the Nocturnals
  2. And of course the theme song of 2020
  3. The worst idea anyone in the entire world has come up with since this has started. https://www.thebiglead.com/posts/jay-williams-nba-should-hold-playoffs-on-cruise-ships-01e4nsgcfgdv
  4. I don't even have to read The Atlantic article to know it is bullshit. Here is the heading from the article. How the Pandemic Will End (oh really great swami, you know exactly how this is going to end? You the journalist, not a medical expert, not a doctor, not even a scientist, a journalist. You know how this is going to end. You don't know shit. You are guessing and it isn't even going to be an educated guess. You are pulling shit out of your ass and smelling your fingers.) Next part of heading. The U.S. may end up with the worst COVID-19 outbreak in the industrialized world. This is how it is going to play out. Oh really, you know exactly how this is going to play out? Then why are you working at The Atlantic and not at the CDC or WHO? Because you don't know how it is going to play out. Nobody knows how it is going to play out. Not the CDC, the WHO, the Surgeon General, or Mentor the Mystic. ANYONE that claims they know how this is going to play out is full of shit because nothing like this has ever happened in modern times. The last time something of this scale was going on television hadn't been invented, computers hadn't been invented probably about 10,000 advances in medicine hadn't been discovered. And if you actually did know how it was going to play out you wouldn't have used the word may in the very sentence preceding your declaration. You would have used the word will. This is fear mongering, plain and simple. This guy doesn't have any more idea of how this is going to play out than any of us do. How the Pandemic Will End The U.S. may end up with the
  5. https://thefederalist.com/2020/03/26/as-trumps-poll-numbers-rise-media-begin-censoring-press-conferences/ 4,023 people are talking about this While Americans might not appreciate the media censoring the public health briefings, Sullivan had one fan in Communist China. Lijian Zhao, the spokesperson & Deputy Director General of the Information Department in communist China’s Foreign Ministry retweeted MSNBC’s Kyle Griffin, who had tweeted out in support of Sullivan’s censorship plan: Ted Koppel told the New York Times, “Training a camera on a live event, and just letting it play out, is technology, not journalism; journalism requires editing and context.” While it’s true that good journalists will provide context, that’s precisely what’s been missing in their histrionic and sensationalized coverage of this global pandemic. They share aggregate numbers to inflame passions, they highlight poor performing hospitals and blame the coronavirus, even though the same hospitals were overwhelmed previously, they peddle faulty models that incite horrific panic. What the media instead are realizing is that they have lost control over the filtering that they are used to providing. They seek to spin the news rather than simply show it and report it. And they justify their bias as being part of a higher calling in the journalism profession as opposed to a glaring failure. The media that was able to push impeachment while the coronavirus spread throughout the world, that claimed concerns about it were racist, and that attempts to control its spread were xenophobic, now wants even more control over the message. Their plan to keep Americans in the dark about what the country’s top political and medical officials say unless it is filtered through a group of people who botched the 2016 campaign, the Russia collusion narrative, and the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing is a demonstration of something very dangerous. They don’t want to report the news. They want to control it. That is damaging and destructive to their own already hurting reputations but, more importantly, to public health itself.
  6. https://news.gallup.com/poll/300680/coronavirus-response-hospitals-rated-best-news-media-worst.aspx Approval Ratings of U.S. Leaders' and Institutions' Handling of Response to Coronavirus Do you approve or disapprove of the way each of the following is handling the response to the coronavirus in the U.S.? Approve Disapprove Does not apply (vol.)/No opinion % % % ^ Based on 536 employed adults; † Based on 262 parents of children under 18; (vol.) = volunteered response GALLUP, MARCH 13-22, 2020 U.S. hospitals 88 10 2 Your child's school or daycare † 83 9 8 Your state government 82 17 1 Your employer ^ 82 14 4 Government health agencies such as the CDC or NIH 80 17 2 Vice President Mike Pence 61 32 7 President Donald Trump 60 38 1 Congress 59 37 4 The news media 44 55 1
  7. Go to Real Clear Politics (I'd give the link but I've already read my 3 allowed articles per day there without turning off my Ad Blocker.) Question 12 here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TofJVeuCbZN8cRGBN97kWGqhO6tlQ7VA/view
  8. Precisely at the same time polls start coming out that show an upward swing in Trump's approval ratings and other polls come out that show more people trust Trump's briefings than trust the media that is covering them the media decides to stop showing Trump's briefings. I'm sure it's all just a coincidence.
  9. Do you ever have the feeling no one on Twitter has ever taken an economics class? The company losing profits results in the company laying off trolley drivers and mechanics, if the company loses enough profits the result is no trolley service. No trolley service means no one is employed by the trolley service.
  10. Change the name of the virus to H1N1 and the name of the president to Obama.
  11. and disregard the rest Lie la lie, lie la la la lie lie Lie la lie, lie la la la la lie la la lie
  12. I didn't know Tucker Carlson had the ability to read my mind but apparently he does. Every single word he speaks here could have came from my thoughts.
  13. Trump never called it a hoax. He called the way the Democrats were using it politically a hoax. Even Snopes backs me up on this though they are very reluctant to do so. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-coronavirus-rally-remark/
  14. You are so far in denial your poster name should be Cleopatra. And the Democrats are fucked in the election. https://thehill.com/hilltv/what-americas-thinking/489122-poll-61-of-voters-agree-trump-is-taking-strong-enough-measures
  15. Nope, I got a D in art class in high school. Worse grade I ever got in any class, jr. high, high school, or college.
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