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Everything posted by EMAWesome

  1. Negged at least another ten posts of mine today all of them from early March. Fucking shitstain is going to go back and eventually neg every single post I've ever made here.
  2. She pretty much defeats her (extremely stupid) point by posting something that has the "K-word" spelled out while not spelling out the N-word.
  3. Kind of like when posters claim you are a Russian bot based only on the time of day you make your posts?
  4. I'll confess I'm only posting this because it is 5:20 am now and I know how much it freaks JimmyJames out when I make posts around this time.
  5. And here I was having conflicted feelings just because they didn't spell Epstein's name right.
  6. NSIS but just in case you are. Dude, the opinions I hold on just about every major political issue today I held before Fox News even existed. I was forming them from my own experiences and observations back when no one outside of Sacramento, California even knew who Rush Limbaugh was. And anyone who is getting their information from The New York Times or CNN has no business calling anyone else's sources of information propaganda anyway.
  7. This shit is getting ridiculous I'm willing to bet Upper Westside has neg repped over 100 posts of mine in the last week. He just negged another 24 in a row. Someone needs to put his ass in time out for being a feckless cunt.
  8. I was just getting ready to post this. Though for me it falls into the I don't know exactly how I feel about it category. The first three minutes or so are awesome but then it kind of stalls out. It does give you a taste of what Prince was capable of doing it just all depends on whether he felt like doing it.
  9. You aren't wrong here but I still disagree. First off politics is a game of giving the people what they want. Right now what they want is to be given stuff without having to pay for it. That isn't the politicians fault. That is the fault of society in general, and in particular the people who are voting. This isn't going to change until the mindset of the electorate changes. Secondly, I'm willing to listen and agree to an extent on the "both parties are the same" when it comes to spending money or kissing Wall Street's ass. However they are nowhere near the same on non-economic matters. Democrats are already declaring war on the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendments(at least on any case involving Trump or a Supreme Court nominee). Democrats are way more hell bent on regulating every aspect of your life than Republicans are. Yes, this can be seen as having to decide between the lesser of two evils. I look at it as having to choose between what is at this point in time a necessary evil (Republicans) versus an unnecessary greater evil (Democrats). There may not seem to be any difference between any particular Republican politician and any particular Democrat politician but there is a difference between the two political parties philosophically today, though it might not be intentional. The Democrats are absolutely obsessed with political power and control. They are easily the most authoritarian, tyrannical version of a political party that has existed in this country in my lifetime. I hate the core of their party with every fiber of my being. Not the ordinary Democrat voter, but the political organizers, financial backers, lobbyists, media sycophants, and string pulling weasels that have control of the party's inner workings. Now Republicans may wish to behave in the same way, they may not. It is so hard to tell because there are so many factions to the party that they never all move in the same direction at any time and they have the built in disadvantage of not having the media's lips attached to their ass on every single political issue. If you think there is no difference between the parties or politicians ask yourself what are the chances of The Green New Deal being passed and signed into law with Republicans controlling Congress and sitting in the White House versus Democrats controlling Congress and sitting in the White House.
  10. Given his response I guess he is too busy putting another Coexist bumper sticker on his Prius.
  11. I did not know that. At least I didn't underestimate his lack of intelligence. The cunt negged at least another ten posts of mine today. If he wants a neg war I'll be his huckleberry.
  12. Goddamn it I need to remind myself to check what thread I'm in. That's twice I've done this in the last week.
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