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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pablo

  1. Pablo


    anywhere convenient site streaming these episodes now?
  2. I would love to move to Colorado or any state with "radical left" leaning politics, especially if it involved legal recreational weed use. After a divorce during the pandemic and no family ties to Houston now, I think this is heavily in my plans for the near future. My problem is my employer right now requires 4 days in the office a week and I don't see that changing in the immediate future. Interested to read more responses.
  3. been laughing at that guy for the last half hour, lol
  4. This Squeeze Play channel on ESPN+ is a SEC suck fest for all these bombs hit by their teams
  5. that ought to help our hitting #s when we travel there
  6. Are all these SEC ballparks bandboxes? Tennessee and Auburn with so many yaks.
  7. Fuck yeah, men! Thanks for all the updates, been following along since yesterday. never watched a moment of it, but felt like i was right there with you guys on every hole!
  8. that's true, i mean we did lose 2 of the last 14 games.
  9. Dubon has a nice arm, looking like a slick glove too
  10. Corbin with the loud FUCK after that low pitch wasn't called a strike, lol
  11. yeah, looked like he said Thanks Angel.
  12. that was a great battle smiles anytime you get Soto out
  13. This guy seems very versatile but has some defensive chops. Hoping he is here to make the roster better top to bottom than just to fill in for Altuve/Pena injuries.
  14. lets hope for a fast moving cell
  15. damn, that defensive runs save stat was sexy
  16. this fuckin catcher and his frame jobs. its fucking comical
  17. god, just loving Pena showing out tonight in front of CC
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