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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. Good luck hoping the rurals will see this for what it is. Wall St spent 20 years moving every blue collar job overseas, dismantling unions, and slashing regulations. Then the Wall St. fat cats took to the podium and blamed it all on Democratic Globalists and told the working class that they're the only people looking out for them. And they bought it.

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  2. 27 minutes ago, Captainant said:


    Because our government kowtows to fascists regularly. 


    Look motherfucker, do consequences exist for fucking around in a courtroom or not? Literally anybody else NOT named "Donald Trump" would be getting contempt rulings and the fucking book thrown at them FOR INSTIGATING FUCKING BOMB THREATS AGAINST THEIR JUDGE!!!

    Failure to punish these out outbursts like they would with ANY other citizen is just another instance of using kid gloves with trump and the fascists. 

    Wrong. I have clients go on rants at the judge all the time. Sometimes directly calling a judge "mothefucker" or worse. Judges patiently wait for the outburst to end, and move on.

    Why do you continue to argue with such certainty over issues you are unfamiliar with? 

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  3. 2 minutes ago, Gatorubet said:

    This is the type of stuff you would normally read in a pro se  brief from a sovereign citizen

    My text messages to friends and family have better grammar and syntax than this official correspondence to a judge while defending a former POTUS. Wild stuff.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  4. https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/fbem/DocumentDisplayServlet?documentId=_PLUS_cASZsP0hNiBQOHYbw_PLUS_TPQ==&system=prod

    The email exchange between Trump's attorneys and the Judge regarding his decision to testify.  Just when you think the simulation is all out of ideas, they come up with this!


    Justice Engoron This is very unfair, your Honor. You are not allowing President Trump, who has been wrongfully demeaned and belittled by an out of control, politically motivated Attorney General, to speak about the things that must be spoken about.


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  5. 18 minutes ago, Deej said:

    THIS is what passes for insight? He gets paid to do this? Ignoring, for a moment, the ultimate conclusion - that Texas is not back - what in the fuck is this? The below is the entire "article." Its like 5 random stats connected by a player's quote and then some random musings at the end where I can only assume KB got distracted by a squirrel outside his window as he garbled  his "journalism" into a Dictaphone.


    Texas football is surging right now and is trending as a future powerhouse in college football with the Longhorns coming off a 12-2 season, Big 12 championship and College Football Playoff appearance. But does that mean Texas is back?

    No, it doesn't. Texas isn't back. It’s too soon to suggest that.

    The program won’t be truly back until head coach Steve Sarkisian shows he can sustain this level of success. The players do believe it, and that’s where it starts.

    ”We felt magical, the whole time that we felt like it was already written," departing receiver Jordan Whittington said. "No matter what happened, I didn't know it was going to come down to the last, like, 10 seconds ... but we didn't waver one time.”

    Take the Sugar Bowl loss with perspective

    The Longhorns were really good and borderline great this season, and it’s a heckuva lot of progress for a program that hadn’t won a conference title in 14 years. Remember, they came within 15 seconds of beating Oklahoma and had a chance to knock off Washington on the final play of the game. And didn’t really play all that well in either one.

    OU didn’t have a turnover, Washington only muffed a punt on Monday night and Texas had three turnovers in those games. In the 12 wins, Texas was a plus-6.

    Texas also faced precious few great quarterbacks other than OU's Dillon Gabriel and Washington's Michael Penix Jr., who combined to put up 71 points on a defense that gave up an average of only 17 points a game.

    For those of you who are mad that Sarkisian got outcoached, quarterback Quinn Ewers got outplayed and Texas was sloppy and out-disciplined, also remember that Washington is not good, but damn good. ESPN’s Greg McElroy said the Huskies have at least seven NFL draft picks in the first two rounds this spring, including Penix and his top three receivers, an edge rusher and an offensive lineman.

    I worry for Washington in Monday's game that Michigan’s smothering defense is so much better top to bottom than Texas’, that the Wolverines’ Blake Corum may run all day against the Huskies and that Washington may be without injured tailback Dillon Johnson


    • Rage+1 1
  6. 1 minute ago, TrashMaster G said:

    While it is true that things are different than when his uncles were in college, the factors you are referring to will have zero impact on his draft position. 

    My point was that its not unreasonable for a college age kid to succumb to peer/external pressure and go against the wishes of his family. But if you have specific insight into Arch's thinking, please do share.

  7. 1 hour ago, gmr548 said:

    Peyton also was going to sit at Tennessee if not for an injury disaster. Archie Manning had 17 INTs in 10 games his first year as a starter. Both uncles took extra years in college.

    I think people are really overblowing the “omg Arch is going to leave if he doesn’t play early” bit based on everything he and his family have said/done to this point. Arch and family know the long term value of development in college and want to make sure he’s set up optimally for long term NFL success.

    The Mannings are also, uh, not poor. This is not a first generation D1 athlete trying to get to a pro contract ASAP. If he’s having fun in college and feels like he’s growing as a player working under Sark there’s no reason to rock the boat.

    I also think people are overblowing the "Manning family plan" for Arch. The CFB world looks nothing like it did in the late 90's. All of his peers (other 5 star QB recruits) would be looking into transferring if it takes them 3 years to land a starting gig. With social media, its hard for him to avoid the narrative that he's being "wasted" on the bench. Do the experiences of his grandfather and uncle matter? Yes. Is Arch an independent being with free will. Also yes.

    I'm not predicting that he transfer, nor am I advocating for him to start to avoid a transfer. Only pointing out that this place puts WAY too much on what happened with his uncles.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  8. 10 minutes ago, Sealtm6 said:

    Could care a less about Rodgers.  But, good for him confronting “Regime Narratives “. 

    Sir, are you aware of the stolen valor law? Playing with fire with that username....

    • Haha 1
  9. Just now, Shaggy3.0 said:


    i don't know about you, but i'd have some explaining to do if my name was associated with a pederast.


    Try this one simple trick to avoid explaining yourself!


    *run for president of the united states

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