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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. 35 minutes ago, PTINS said:

    you jest ...

    I have 4 or 5 Michigan buds that I've known 30-40 years.  Some of the most quality people I've ever met. These would be among the smartest guys in the room. I probably have more friends from Michigan fitting that criteria than from Austin.  That's one reason I'm looking forward to going to Ann Arbor this year.

    A couple of them would shred the Double Black Diamonds at Taos, screaming like a sewing machine going down "Al's Run", with moguls the size of Volkswagens.

    One stood up in my wedding in the 80's; I introduced him to his wife.  On the drive from Houston to Austin for a Texas football game, he drank 5 beers before we got to Columbus. I'll be hanging with him before the game next year.

    One a was fellow young engineer at a competing gas processing plant in South Louisiana, kindred spirits in bringing new ideas to facilities built in the 50's.

    One was affectionately referred to as "the professor" by fellow employees and colleagues; he referred me to PhD's in my company, to get help understanding a dense phase "hydraulics" issue.

    One has a summer home in Maine. I'll see him this summer.

    I recognize that not all representatives are quality, but the % of the ones I've met fitting in that group puts the Victors at the top of the list.

    How many of them are named Bill Brasky?

  2. 6 minutes ago, High Plains Drifter said:


    You can urge, argue, advocate, counsel, whatever. But its really simple: You cannot lie. Period. Full stop. You lie, you get sanctioned. You cannot lie to the judge, to the jury, to your client, to the defendant, to the media. 

    Why is this so hard?


    And yes. If you know for a fact they person committed the crime, saying that person did not commit the crime is a lie, therefore, egro sum ipso whatver the fuck, you should be sanctioned. 

    And if you have possession of material that shows guilt, then that sounds like evidence. Are attorneys somehow allowed to withhold evidence? If so that sounds like attorneys are above the law. Are attorneys above the law? 

    If defense attorneys are allowed to withold evidence, are prosecutors given the same luxury?


    I see a bunch of lawyers up in here saying that all the abuses to the system Trump and his attorneys are committing, all the lies they are telling, without sanction, without penalty, are the system working BECAUSE the common man would get the same privileges. That is a bunch of fucking HORSESHIT. Look at all the Jan 6 insurrectionists- did the system that is protecting trump protect them? Would it protect some black dude who got busted selling crack? Fuck no it wouldn't. 

    Habba lies and says she is sick. We know its a lie, the judge knows its a lie. Nothing happens. Delay for three days. 

    If the attorney for one of those insurrectionists says they fell sick, would that trial be delayed? And then delayed again for some other bullshit? and again? and again? Fuck no it wouldn't. 


    You say that the judge is just making sure trump has no basis for appeal by not calling out Habba on her lies. If calling the defense counsel a liar and saying fuck no we are not delaying "because you feel sick" is grounds for an appeal, THEN THE SYSTEM IS FUCKED. 

    You fuckers spend hours explaining how the system works. I know how the system works-- I see it working every fucking time I turn on the news. It works for Turmp. It has been working for trump since the day his mother shat him out into the world. BUT IT DOESN"T WORK FOR EVERYBODY. 


    Its shit like this, fucked systems that only work for some, that got trump elected in the first place, because people voted for someone they thought would "blow it all up". And the system "working like it should" is going to allow to allow that orange fuckface to continue to escape consequences until the day he fucking dies. 


    To directly answer your questions: 


    As a defense attorney, should my obligation be to the truth? YES

     If I come into possession of material that tends to show guilt, should I have a duty to disclose that to the court and the prosecuting attorney? YES

     If I urge the jury to vote "not guilty" should I be jailed or somehow sanctioned for perjury? YES, if you know your client is guilty. Counsel him to plead guilty. Argue for extenuating circumstances, plead for mercy from the court, look for police or prosecutorial misconduct. But lie? NO. 

    but I'd like to know how the non-lawyers think the criminal justice system should work. THE SAME FOR EVERYBODY WITH NO LIES. 




    ok cool, i'll pass along

  3. 1 hour ago, High Plains Drifter said:


    There's the problem right there. 


    As a defense attorney, should my obligation be to the truth? If I come into possession of material that tends to show guilt, should I have a duty to disclose that to the court and the prosecuting attorney? If I urge the jury to vote "not guilty" should I be jailed for perjury? 

    Obviously I'm a bad person for choosing a job that requires something other than the zealous pursuit of the truth, but I'd like to know how the non-lawyers think the criminal justice system should work.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    Made the 4 team playoff, starting QB stays with Arch in the wings, killing the transfer portal and recruiting. An incredible run of great news and positivity over the last couple of months. 

    One weird assistant coach hire and people are losing their minds. I think now we're officially "back". This was the moment. 


    I think the winning has gone to our heads. Probably need another decade of program malaise to recalibrate expectations. 

    • Rage+1 1
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  5. SI will always hold a special place in my heart. I lived overseas for 4 years as a kid, and my weekly SI and SI for Kids subscriptions were my only lifeline to the American sports world. Hell, we didn't even get CNN international until my last year there. They'd always arrive about 3 weeks late, but I'd read every article - even on sports I was not interested in. I'd cut photos out and tape them to my wall, and by the time I was in high school, most of my walls and even the ceiling of my bedroom were plastered in SI covers and photos. One of my proudest moments during childhood was drawing a picture of Troy Aikman in colored pencils and having it published in SI for Kids. Felt like a fucking superstar.

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  6. 1 hour ago, 'stache said:

    This country was literally founded on the idea of having people from parts unknown come together to form a new nation. It's what separates us from European nations which were, and still are to a large extent, relatively homogenous in their populations. The entire western part of this country was taken from Mexico. Yet, people complain about Mexicans living amongst us. I'll never understand when we lost sight of that part of our history. The Statue of Liberty describes the people we sought to attract, the tired, the poor, the wretched refuse, etc. Seinfeld's bit on that was poignant and funny. Our current climate is just infuriating. 

    To be fair, as long as immigrants have been pouring into this country, there has been opposition - sometimes violent - to immigration. From the Alien-Sedition acts of the late 18th century, to the rise of the Know-Nothing party in the middle of the 19th. The climate has always been tense when it comes to immigration, and the hatred of others remains as strong today as it was 250 years ago. The only difference being that we convinced ourselves somewhere between 1970-1990 that we had risen above naked xenophobia as pillar of foreign policy, and that the words of Emma Lazarus accurately reflected our history of immigration. Her words, it turns out, were aspirational only. Conditioned to believe that the US is the welcoming land of opportunity, imagine our surprise when it turns out Susan from the PTA is fine with soldiers shooting children as they cross the border.

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