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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Foosters

  1. 58 minutes ago, Boss Hogg said:



    The fun part is when this is all part of the federal bailout of California. 

    Been hearing this for 35 years now. In that time, California has continued to outpace other states to cement it's status as the economic, cultural, and technological powerhouse of this country. But sure, I bet it's collapse is imminent.

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    On 12/24/2023 at 4:01 PM, Buzzrock said:

    I’ve decided I’m not a big edible fan. They take too long to kick in and are hard to moderate (I’ve had edibles from the same container have vastly different levels of effect). I’ve been vaping for awhile and I like the immediacy of it and the fact I can have a little and then a little more. But I find myself wondering what sort of chemicals and other things might be in that little yellow vial of goo. Flower would probably be ideal but I have teenagers and don’t want anything stinky in the house. 

    What’s up with tinctures? Do they hit like flower (i.e. it doesn’t have to be processed by the liver)? I’ve heard good things about the sodas but the logistics are a problem (can’t really throw a case in my carry on when I’m coming home from legal states). 

    I'm with you on your first paragraph. That lead me to buy a dry herb vaporizer which I use far more than the oil pens now. Yes, it's more of a hassle (but not much) and requires cleaning every 8-10 sessions or so, but I'm really enjoying it. Fun to browse flower and try different types, and I'm saving money when compared to exclusively using oil carts.

    I bought the below about a year ago and would highly recommend. It's a budget device, and my understanding is that there are far superior devices out there, but I've got no complaints here. I smoke it inside the house and don't think it's any worse than the pens when it comes to smell/odor. 


    I try to stick to the dry herb vape and edibles now, although the ease and convenience of the pen still has me still occasionally buying them just to have, and for travel, concerts, etc.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 28 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:



    hell, i am too.

    i have a crazy fucking idea. stick with me here because it's real fucking complicated. 

    what if we just let them in?

    Unchecked flow of immigrants? Into New York City? Impossible. Such a thing could never happen.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. Couple ideas:

    1) we can sell pieces of surly. Like, you could donate $100 and for a week, you get to pick the slogan on the front page for that week. For $500, you have mod privileges for a few days. Things like that.

    2) Idea #1 was the only real idea I had, but what about hiring a consulting firm to come kick the tires and tell us what to do better? Not a big one like Mckinsey, or anything, just a local shop (preferably no brick and mortar bc that's where the upcharge comes from) that doesn't charge too much

    • Hook 'Em 2
  4. 16 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    I am not trying to be a smart ass with this question. I’m curious what others think. 

    If more than 80% of a class is gone by year 4, do they still get credit for that record? I *think* ATM has already lost right around 50% of the 2022 class. I could see them losing 60+% of what’s left from it before the ball is ever snapped in the 2025 season. 

    A true Ship of Theseus example 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 12 hours ago, Boss Hogg said:

    Part of the perception problem is that inaction is seen as beneficial to the Democratic Party from a purely political standpoint. These will eventually be overwhelmingly D voters. Everyone knows that.


    The cynic in me says that’s why nothing is done by Dems in Congress. Easier to scream racism and let everybody in. Bolster numbers. Unfortunately there are actual consequences to large amounts of illegal immigration on legal citizens and government services. Not to mention finances.

    Republicans do nothing because it’s a hard problem to fix and it’s good for riling up their base. The problem might be reaching level though that something has to be done. And you don’t ever want situations to ever where government has to “do something!”

    Nice. Casually dropping the great replacement theory into the thread. And in the same breath, complain about Dems crying "racism"

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  6. Are you a Black man struggling to build generational wealth? Do you wish there was an easier way? Are you tired of the system keeping you down?






    *eliminate social security

    • Haha 5
  7. 18 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    In case you haven't noticed, since Trump left office, the Supreme Court hasn't done him one single favor.

    I didn't say they weren't jackholes or they weren't enacting whatever conservative policies they were chosen to enact.

    It just so happens that conservative policies apparently don't quite line up with Trump policies, at least not those that keep him out of jail or in office.

    Forget it Twice, it's Captainant 

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