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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Its probably behind hundreds of obscure porn searches by this point. Trump Assassination vs Donkey Necrophilia. I stumbled across this article earlier, and thought it was well written rebuttal to the ideology of Vance/GQP from the viewpoint of someone that also got their start in Appalachia. https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2024/07/18/as-a-fellow-ohioan-america-i-have-some-concerns-about-u-s-sen-jd-vance/
  2. The only question I have is at what point in the campaign does he withdraw and vigorously fellate endorse Trump. My guess is that 95%+of his base are former Trumptards, so those votes will just roll back, but I cant really determine if the timing matters that much. If he's not a complete fucking moron, he will at least extract an 8+ figure buyout from the money backing Trump. But unfortunately for Cheryl, he is a fucking moron.
  3. It seemed like there were weeks on end in summer's previous where the temp never dropped below 80 even at night. Weather underground has the bergstrom temp at 78 f'n degrees at noon in late July.
  4. I guess there's an outside chance his yardboy is named Otto.
  5. Seriously. Kirby seems like a f'n piece of shit. When this much bullshit happens at one school, its obvious the coach doesn't give a fuck.
  6. Ha. As I was watching that, I was thinking to myself how fantastic it would be to see Dotard and Ivanka recreate that scene. It would be mesmerizing to watch Trump's hair take on a life of its own as he ogled Ivanka's warlocks flapping in the breeze next to him.
  7. I had already cooled on gameday the last few years, but once they hired that fucking tool Mcafee, that was it for me. I didn't realize Saban was coming on board and agree he will probably be a good addition. If there was a way to mute one person, I'd probably give it a shot.
  8. The putting montage of this round I saw earlier indicates that he sucks ass at golf considering how much time he spends at it.
  9. These videos crack me up every year. I gotta be honest, I'd rather watch this shit than fireworks. If I ever get up to Alaska, I may have to schedule over the 4th. No action until about 9 minutes in.
  10. But everyone remember.....its the liberal socialists that wage cancel culture.
  11. This is about the timeframe of the 2020 campaign, where he was floating the idea that the ONLY way he could lose would be a rigged/stolen election BS. I remember him claiming they had all the votes they needed back then as well. Dude is playing the greatest hits. Its all he has.
  12. She should promise free concerts to the three cities that register the most new voters.
  13. Right when you get there, shit in their front yard, wipe your ass with the flag, and peace out. Frees up your whole weekend.
  14. About to crack 640 which would be about as high as its been in 1.5 years.
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