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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by noharleyyet

  1. Our band had to stay together...none of us had phones and it was a small town. I'm pretty sure the lead guitar player wanted the rest of us to quit.
  2. I'd bet every employee in the North Dallas GC can play circles around me...but they still have to go fetch the manager for math questions.
  3. Back-back in the day there was a music store downtown. One salesman, an aloof jazz aficionado. If you asked about a particular guitar he'd take it down and play the most pretzeled chord shapes I'd ever seen, nor could I duplicate. He'd play for 3-5 minutes, stop, put it back up...& walk away. He recognized a broke untalented guitar player when they darkened the door. Now I'd go in there circa bi-monthly...never touched that 335.
  4. Indian mound in the waning lines of a sociological and personal dirge is perfect....clever wordsmithing is what you think it means to the writer and what you know it means to yourself.
  5. “I used to think I was an artist. Come to find out I’m a beer salesman.” James McMurtry
  6. ..can't keep up with muh jones'n
  7. ...this place is the antithesis of AA
  8. First time I ear pod'd this song thought it was Henley....certainly Eagle'ish til I figured it out. Beautiful work....
  9. I'm leaning hard to butterscotch blackguard...I like my Deluxe but it's time for brass saddles.
  10. Am sure this has posted...finally slowed down & listened...& can't stop listening. Damn what a writer.
  11. You needed a cigar ashtray. Sick guitar, congrats.
  12. Furk, Page prolly tied Wilt Chamberlain.
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