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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by noharleyyet

  1. Ordered a Sage Metallic Tele from zZounds & received a Strat in same color...they cleared it up but the tele was out of stock so I ended up with a discounted Deluxe; as she lays today w/brass saddles & vintage Arlo pups.
  2. Watchable enough, even after you know what's going to happen in the first 10 minutes. So, a qualified yes.
  3. Honest Thief is such a beating....
  4. Great...w or w/o pedals. Likes P90's a lot.
  5. This magnificent bastrid plays and sounds like it looks...actually better than I thought it would.
  6. A left handed Les Micawber....cool
  7. I sorta like the many forms of Jennifer Nettles (I know, bra country)...not GOAT status but still...and Patsy Cline should be honorably mentioned.
  8. I can smell the unfiltered Camels my dad fogged the den with....
  9. This one has been replaying in my head lately. Keyboards, sax, slick guitar leads, a wonderfully arranged musical Casablanca....timeless.
  10. 4 years ago at 58 with Drake and his Mom....
  11. Not the best but I'll hit repeat for her...
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