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Wally Pryor

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Everything posted by Wally Pryor

  1. 65 pitches, efficient thus far. Get a couple more innings our of Scherzer and turn it over to the pen.
  2. That guy in the A's costume is fantastic.
  3. That catch from Garcia was nice. More impressive was him winging the ball effortlessly, and very fast, while on his back.
  4. That foul territory in Oakland never ceases to amaze. Should have its own zip code.
  5. What's a Wednesday day game going to look like tomorrow? More vendors, stadlum personnel and players than people in the seats.
  6. There were maybe 1,000 people in that mausoleum last night. Less tonight.
  7. Damn, did the World Series end in November last season(s)?
  8. Along youth baseball / softball lines it seems like every year Hewitt is playing in the little league softball world series. What's in the water near Waco? Loaded question, perhaps.
  9. Yeah, that rivals some Earl Weaver theatrics.
  10. Aaron Boone makes the most of his ejection.
  11. Yeah, even the new Polvo's adjacent to the mall sucks.
  12. On the subject of 47, that (as of today) is the total games improvement over '22. Ended the season at 26 under .500. Now 21 over. As it stands, Hyde and Bochy both deserve to be AL managers of the year.
  13. Nice win. Off a huge homestand with sellouts going into a mass of apathy and empty seats against a terrible team. Grind it out. Down early on but resiliency, again, comes to the forefront.
  14. They're 50 games under .500 for a reason you douche.
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