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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bigpoppapump

  1. Is this a shit thread? Cause I'm starting to feel this is a shit thread.
  2. Would ya'll do the Boston trade if it were for Tatum? I'd do it in a heartbeat.
  3. Jalopnik has pretty good stories on buying old supercars at Carmax. https://jalopnik.com/the-six-best-unreliable-cars-you-can-buy-from-carmax-168777099
  4. That's a great deal, have it and recommend too.
  5. Ya it's kinda funny, that is about 3/4 of a regular weight lifting protein intake. Most of what I see on ketosis for extremely active people is a similar amount of protein intake, and decrease/increase your fats depending on weight loss or gain. Non-ketosis you poop out most of the protein at those levels anyways.
  6. Haha, and pretty much 50/50 for td on reception.
  7. It's may. Too early for all the croots.
  8. The puppy "should" learn how to warn via example, not sure if specific training helps. I know we've personally been able to reward dogs successfully for good warnings, but we do have an alpha female that will forever be a bitch when it comes to food.
  9. No air conditioning will save me from the space heater dogs that sleep in the bed with the wife and me.
  10. Just curious, but what's the take on the QX80, they look like absolute shit to me (appearance). Front half sports car back half box.
  11. Is it the puppy wanting to play with the dad, but no knowing how and starting shit? Or just evil in the puppy?
  12. That's the shit Spirit Airlines was trying to shill on my at 6 am on my flight from Dallas to New york last year. I've drank at 6 am before, but that made me want to punch the crew in the face.
  13. Heard a rumor the initial offer was 28.3 Million a year.
  14. Where are the footnotes, fuck me.
  15. NOFX Punk in Drublic Festival is being rescheduled during the Texas/TCU game, yay.
  16. Usually any Chipotle day is a shart watch day.
  17. I agree. The nature of my team means various sizes of projects with very tough scoping efforts some times. And I've noticed all the other teams that are scrum have very bored developers.
  18. It's weird enough thinking about all the arcades and local coffeeshops that lined the street around the GW in the early 2000's. Place looks like a strip mall now.
  19. Honestly, if you were gonna get drunk, you should've planned for this scenario before you even came to the bar. Aka no driving at all.
  20. Ya this traffic is gonna suck. In before I lived at Battlebend before it was cool.
  21. I played it for a few months. It was fun but this was during beta and they kept tweaking it in weird ways and made the pvp less and less fun, to the point where you basically had to have the meta.
  22. I can confirm Bunn makes damn good coffee products, got a dripper. Shit every diner in America uses Bunn.
  23. I eat there every other week. Can confirm they are delicious and in my top 10 burgers for Austin.
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