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Born to Run

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Everything posted by Born to Run

  1. Ah yes, but David Frum participates in Society.
  2. You are probably correct, but Vis a vis all the ghoulish behavior of the GOP it's like a paper cut vs missing multiple limbs with open sores. It's crazy to even warrant discussing the difference, but as you pointed out, those missteps will be discussed 24-7
  3. Carrying Trump's Stolllen documents.
  4. Needs more Green Slime and Water Imo.
  5. Next segment: Crazed Biden Strikes have US on verge of WW3!!!!
  6. His mama was too busy showing him how the piggies eat. He was laden with Fruit Snacks. Such a special boy.
  7. He only smolders, I need an attorney that gets Angry Like A Junkyard Dog. El Martillo Tejano!!!!
  8. Thanks for the info, everyone. Let me see what level guiding my crew wants to go with.
  9. Can you believe it? An Italian broad prejudiced against Mexicans?
  10. War campaigns usually follow the lead of the General. So lots of terroristic online threats, lies, misogyny, overt threats of rape and pussy grabbing, whining about how unfair it all is, and some Big Mac dinners with, hopefully, no overt action.
  11. Against her parent's wishes too. Because Republicans are murderous freaks.
  12. Ha ha, oddly enough, I took my wife wife to a Taylor Swift show for her Birthday, the things Taylor did to that chair were something special.
  13. I brought my son every other weekend to help build his foundation (which is strong) he's pretty handsome and a solid athlete even when young. That didn't help my celibacy for a year plan. It was like being a hot chick at a club. I was there for his edification and some faith. Mercy me the temptations.
  14. I wasn't personally in it for tail, but yes. I think I tried dating apps for about 2 days, was too much bs, trash, spam, and unnecessary. I have several great female friends from Yoga, no sex. Much respect.
  15. Chicks love some self-improvement, so figure out which version works for you. Which you should be doing because who would want the worst version of you. Sub church for: Mountain bike meets ups (for beginners), paddle boarding, volunteering, cleaning up parks, weird art installs in public spaces, snowboarding, you could even work with regards if it's your passion. If you have a Hobbie, you are decent at some lady will be happy to get some advice if you are genuine. If not her, maybe a friend. My self-imposed one year hiatus from women sexually post divorce was impossible once I started doing healthy shit I wanted to do for fun. And I'm pretty introverted. My only "game" is being genuinely interested in people's experiences and listening intently. Fish in a barrel.
  16. Tracks. I got a steady dose of Fox News, went somewhere else, and got OAN in that airport. Alaska is beautiful but full of Alaskans.
  17. Gym, yoga studios, and church. When I was first divorced, I got swarmed at church. Freaking hyenas.
  18. More proof Republicans hate everything that is wildly popular for no reason other than to be contrarian. Some form of legal abortion, access to healthcare, football, Taylor Swift.
  19. Helping the poor, feeding the hungry huddled masses? That'll just make them hate her even more.
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