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Tommy Shelby

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Everything posted by Tommy Shelby

  1. Didn’t y’all actually beat the Pats?
  2. Joe Flacco = Brad Johnson with a super bowl MVP instead of 2 Pro Bowls
  3. What part of his character over his entire career makes it seems like he would listen?
  4. Time for Cam to help the Jets get the #1 pick
  5. Bert looks like he knows it's another loss
  6. I really don’t understand why he was hired in the first place. Nothing on his resumé has shown anything promising especially for the rebuilding job needed here.
  7. Only if you allow an extra year of eligibility, another scholarship year (for those actually chasing the degree), or start the XFL back up for the tweeners that’ll blame not having a full season for why they weren’t drafted (lol). I really want to know what people in 5 years are going to be thinking about the response to the pandemic.
  8. I know at one time the Oklahoma State one was also
  9. Especially since the last meeting he had was the fat little girlfriends incident and a 52-30 drubbing.
  10. Yeah, this is true. That whole thing about him not being able to survive in a mental institution was dumb. There are plenty of places to stash him away with the money they have.
  11. As someone rooting for the Byrd's emotionally I hated Ben because he messed up the dynamic. As a character he was great. He fit the bipolar mold perfectly, the flight of ideas, the manic and depressive states, hell I had my notes from class open trying to figure out where they could've gone wrong. He and the writers nailed everything.
  12. Give some examples that have the clout and name recognition from people who actually remember Tyson as a boxer. I think it's a pretty good choice. Jamie Foxx seems to kill every role I can remember him doing.
  13. Yeah, but Rob Lowe is attractive and that was in '88 before the whole #metoo thing.
  14. What is with Tech and these running backs without biblical names? #noracist For the offended: It is a reference to SEC Guy
  15. Yeah, this is true. I just wonder when that domino falls though. I thought it was going to after the whole Last Week Tonight thing. Where instead internet companies shifted the cost to the consumers with a tiered speed system and cutting broadband speeds at night.
  16. This feels like we are going to go back to bundling and getting crap we don't want like cable was doing.
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