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Tommy Shelby

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Everything posted by Tommy Shelby

  1. I wonder if he'll use the fact that quarantine left him home and lonely with his vices as a way to get a new gig. Lots of people are going to need therapy after this thing ends.
  2. I didn't read anything about urination
  3. Yeah, fuck that guy. If they want to go make money now without a BS degree let them. Hell, with or without the degree the only reason these kids get jobs if basketball doesn't work out is name recognition anyways. Dumb question, but once they play for the G-league they lose NCAA eligibility right? If so, I feel like that rule may need to change.
  4. Yeah because one game series without any games before won’t lead to more chronic musculoskeletal injuries due to rust. Test all the titers and only let the ones who have IgG against the Rona play. That way you don’t have to worry about new infections. Call it the Zombies tournament or something.
  5. The Big 12 in general looks like it will be stacked next year.
  6. Tech having the predictable hangover in Norman
  7. And a young Tech team is due for a let down game soon.
  8. This next game against Tech seems like the perfect storm (Tech off a huge win against the clones, OU hungry for a statement win at home) for a let down.
  9. Lol, I’ve been reading about this topic since like ‘08. I just don’t think sterilizing a kid is a healthy mechanism to help them fit in. Teaching them to realize that it doesn’t actually matter what you look like and that you can be attracted to whoever you want and take whatever role you want in the relationship. While guiding them through this process the kid has to also learn that some people won’t accept their viewpoints and it’s ok because they should be confident in who they are. The psych portion should be stressed more with more stern parenting (since the therapist/whoever only sees the child, at most, one hour a week). Not everything should be based on groupthink. Though, why I’m talking about this on a basketball board is beyond me.
  10. Well if the trans person did go back, where would you get reliable stats? You think they go back to the same surgeon who did the procedure? Also if this is the case, why would the surgeon want to report those stats? Wouldn’t it show that they didn’t spend enough time with the patient pre-op to prevent 2 unnecessary surgeries?
  11. Why would you make an announcement if you were admitting fault and changing back? There wouldn’t be much of a platform either.
  12. Shut up. Blaming the refs for not being able to beat a 0.500 team? You sound like aggy. So many chances to win at the end, yet we couldn’t convert. Moretti has been so unclutch at the line this year.
  13. Sorry, I’ll shut up. anyways, I wonder how he’s going to get a big O line there
  14. Do you even know why he’s a trump supporter?
  15. Maybe have fewer frivolous purchases during the week “because I’ve had a shitty day and I deserve it”
  16. There’s no big men on the team for Tech this year. Losing Tariq hurt more than I thought it would. Moretti also seems to have regressed and doesn’t get the white boy 3 shots he was getting last year
  17. Hey, if your daughter can have an open conversation with you about the teenage boys’ intentions then neither one of you has to bullshit and you guys can plan for when enough is enough. There aren’t very many guys who will keep going after a firm no, and you’ll be able to tell her the signs of the guy who is likely too stupid to be with your daughter.
  18. I remember that game. Mahomes played great, but the few times the defense would get a stop the offense would fold. Tech was playing behind the whole time. I wonder what happens to Honey Badger and Chris Jones after Mahomes gets his contract. The D was the difference during the Super Bowl run
  19. The “beat each other up” mantra only works for SEC football.
  20. God I hope not. Duffy didn’t look accurate nor like he liked staying in the pocket
  21. Welp, time for the D to come out again. Looks like the Hawks are going to come back
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