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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ChiTownDoc

  1. For sure I saw it. But I didn’t say fire him. Everyone says year one to two is the key. You don’t want me to consider that? And I said jury is out. Not I’m all in.
  2. Even adjusted for schedule OU had the most efficient overall team (defense and offense) after 3 weeks. After Cincy still top 3. You want to see big improvement year 1 to 2 and we are seeing a massive improvement - especially on D where his expertise is. Talking about hitting eject right now is moronic. And lol at talking his winning % after one season, where he had a ton of talent raided. This isn’t John Blake loading a team up with talent and taking none of it. Jury still out. You guys have spent huge chunks of your history wandering the desert. I get why you see a blip and immediately assume gloom and doom. edit: updated for after week 3
  3. Meh, there’s one school in the country that has had less down time than OU in the modern era. That’s tOSU. I’ll take my chances that OU figures shit out. Just nice to see a defense that’s competent. IDGAF about offense at this point.
  4. Back in the day when I had to take call, I had a secret shitter staked out. Was in a construction zone of the new hospital wing. I'd walk 15 min to get there. I would hand the pager off and say I'm taking a dinner break or whatever...I told everyone else about the secret shitter the day I turned in my pager and there were several people visibly upset that I had kept this to myself. I just laughed...nobody gonna give up the secret shitter.
  5. I used to be that guy, then even before the GOP went MAGA, my dumb ass realized both sides spent like drunken sailors so who is spending on more worthy causes? Dems by a mile imo.
  6. Have they dipped that gun in gold and auctioned it off for millions of dollars to support trump? They don't even have to give it to anyone...just declare it 'the people's gun' and raise $20 a pop until you hit God knows how much... No, they haven't? That's only because they're too stupid to think of that idea.
  7. There's one fucking game that matters that day so whatever the fuck they show after means nothing, especially if those games involve the left behind dbags.
  8. Last year prepared it nicely.
  9. Prob the kiss of death, but I’m a believer. Not scary good but really fucking good. And I know nobody gives a fuck what I think. October 7th. LFG
  10. Bama so average. Bizarre seeing it.
  11. How about DKR? I guess there's always exceptions. I mean, I'm awesome and definitely don't suck, right?
  12. Responded like a good team should. Still maintain this is a good team. Should get two cracks at UT this year, and anything can happen in that game. Should but the refs will likely step in...
  13. I'm just happy nobody has posted that pot of dogshit phlegm used to post constantly.
  14. I'm sure they know the narrative here is OU and UT are gonna get screwed and he doesn't want to feed into that - that's why I like Barkley, he always calls shit out no matter what it looks like for the league. College announcers soft af.
  15. Are you saying Dahmer's guest will actually get to go home? I do have a thing for serial killer documentaries.
  16. Lot of you seem to think you'll win going away. I don't see it. Not at all. We'll find out soon enough.
  17. Did you even watch? Yeah I'm sure he cramped in 70 degree weather on the 10th play of the game. He stopped the momentum and went out for a play. Also how involved was he since OU keeps throwing especially on that drive. You sound regarded. Highly.
  18. The ref shit is real. You guys can laugh at us right now, but UT is definitely also gonna have to beat teams and refs all year long in this POS conference. I called it first thing w you all and Rice, never seen dumber shit outside my 4th grade classroom at Winding Creek.
  19. Lotta cramps, total pussy ass shit. Gotta beat their fake injuries, the refs, and their dumbfuck team.
  20. No flag there. Mar's ear piece connection with Yormark must be breaking up...
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