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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ChiTownDoc

  1. Huggins will have you know, he’s still employed, bro.
  2. No idea about haircut details but the racism shit is 100% true. Hosted one of their TE’s wedding party in my condo years ago and he had some of his old teammates there. He was embarrassed af hearing the jokes many of them made. Haven’t talked to him in years but I’d guess he would begrudgingly admit this shit is true. I say begrudgingly because being an ex football player there who went to their law school, he 100% went places with those connections being a big part of his success.
  3. Presti is well liked by most accounts. You can also trade back years and get even more picks. Have you seen how desperate nba teams are? You think they’ll all arrive at some conclusion to not trade w OKC on their own? Or do you think they’ll collude - that would probably get OKC more compensation picks. Lulz
  4. He can let me do a TKA. Should do the trick.
  5. Ted has loads of personality compared to Dion. Which is insane to say but here we are.
  6. I want to believe. Obese 74 y/o’s who live on fast food also fall off a cliff. Hate fuels this stupid motherfucker. And he’s garnered more hate than ever.
  7. I wish we could get the whole story on these winners. Hairy backed 5’7’’ guy that bags groceries and still lives with mom…’the small dick is killing me’.
  8. Parroty account Lol. I know. Kyle. Not my buddy Gary…
  9. Fair, I see your point. I'm that way on congress being as aggressive as possible but hoping we aren't going to turn another branch into trash...but I concede, maybe I'm wrong and it already is...hence the need to get in the mud there too.
  10. I’m all about Dems in Congress playing hardball and getting in the mud but agree with you that the judiciary should strive to maintain some decorum. Captain is just like ‘they’re dirty, so everything and everyone should run by magat rules’. No thanks. Although, I see why people think like that. Shit is very frustrating.
  11. That’s a beard, bro.
  12. I was gonna say you motherfuckers are DT'ing the CR...but DT is also the CR these days, so... Carry on.
  13. I’ve seen some of that there. I don’t get it. Different strokes for different folks. Love me some watches though.
  14. Fuck me. I agree w you. Luckily (?) so did Stephen Hawking. Also many modern philosophers/astrophysicists agree we are in a simulation.
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