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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ChiTownDoc

  1. Also, we are clearly getting dumber if we are just comparing the two. The titanic was largely operator error. This was everyone error. Each and every person inside the sub and in charge of the ‘mission’ above water is/was a total fucking moron.
  2. They’re dead. Saddest part about this whole thing is they couldn’t get Elon’s dumb ass to climb in.
  3. Ha, no idea. I had a bike injury as a kid and had an ex-lap w partial colectomy etc so maybe you saw me chiming in on something GI related.
  4. Physiatrist. We run all acute brain injury / SCI / stroke rehab units.
  5. Yes from what I’m guessing anything that’s gonna make it down there can just wave at them. And that would be the appropriate way to go after getting in that POS.
  6. Awesome, they let Mike Tyson name a squid.
  7. LOL. Personally, I've been the medical director for brain injury units. I didn't have to assume a whole lot because I went to school for a billion years to treat these patients. There's a massive difference between expressive and receptive aphasia. You can vote perfectly fine and know 'what you're doing' but you have trouble getting things out with actual speech - it's worse when you have dumbshits like you pressing people. Someone with malignant narcissistic personality is 10000x more dangerous. The topic at hand is his ability to perform and that's totally fair to compare to someone else who's the leading candidate for President for a major party that you support.
  8. Terrible. I remember all your posts making fun of the malignant narcissist that had the nuclear codes too. Right?
  9. Yeah, I think it’s the combo of how much seemed ‘improvised with off the shelf components’ plus a video game controller. And I’m up here with all this air while that hoopty ass sub is lost way down below…
  10. Is this dude crazy or just plain stupid? I would be fighting to gtfo seeing a video game controller in charge of taking me over 2 miles below sea level…and getting me back. Fuck all of that.
  11. Crazy. Know Wyndham and had the guys there hugging it out with him on TV just now. Surreal. Didn’t want to jinx anything and post during the tourney. Great unassuming guy.
  12. I drink a fuckload. How do people who drink regularly get hammered on beer? Seems impossible.
  13. Fuck. I’m sorry. Driving drunk is stupid and totally avoidable. But God Damn, that’s some funny shit. Why would you show a BK receipt? ‘license and registration please’ DERP
  14. ChiTownDoc


    Said God after he fired up the 2tard printer.
  15. Extremely on brand. Like Mountain Dew and X-games. Perfection.
  16. That profile pic definitely checks out. Yes sir.
  17. Prob way too much scotch last few times there. Huntsman was in the Kingsman movie right? I was there before and hate to assume the worst, but that sort of pub can make a cash grab tempting. God damn London is great. Wish I went more often. Enjoy Sidis.
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