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Posts posted by Helobious

  1. 27 minutes ago, austingirl said:

    These dipshits really don't get that you can be attractive and have a job and all these other traits that look good on paper, and still, acting like a dick can negate all of that. I may start talking to you because I find you attractive, but I (and most women) can tell if you're an asshole after a few minutes of conversation. For a lot of us, that'll end it right there, your pretty face and fat paycheck notwithstanding.

    My entire life's worth of experiences tells me that you're wrong about this. Most women I know will say exactly what you said, but when it comes to taking action out in the real world it's a different story. If you're rich, the majority of women will put up with your shit for a very long time. If you're attractive, most women will put up with your shit for a very long time. If you're rich AND attractive, most women will put up with your shit for a very, very, very long time. No matter how big of an asshole you are. And I'm not even saying there's much wrong with that, it's evolutionary. It's just annoying when women put up this hilariously false image about what they want in a man, and then are perplexed when men who fit that false image are upset to find that women don't actually want them. 

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  2. 2 hours ago, Zavala said:

    Lets face it, they are going to fuck us every chance they get. 

    You really think they would stop the game to reverse a shitty stupid dumb-fuck officiating mistake that goes against us?

    West Virginia was literally called for twice as many penalties as Texas was. Refs can be shitty, and they egregiously fucked up the spot here. Take your tinfoil hat off and come back to reality. 

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  3. 5 hours ago, Cosimo de' Medici said:


    He was a mentally ill dumbass "fighting" for a made-up bullshit cause too.

    I'll get negged for looking at it this way, but if hell is real, I'd say this guy & Whitman are the alphas of the American mass shooter club. Both went the bitch route with ambush attacks, but Whitman's required a high level of skill, while this guy went after armed targets and gave them all they could handle for hours. So many of these pussies just shoot defenseless people and then surrender or kill themselves at the first sign of a challenge. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Bigbend1812 said:

    I hear ya.   I’m just saying go all in if you’re gonna do it. 

    If you use all three timeouts, after the last one the kicker knows "ok there's for sure no more timeouts coming". If you still have 1 or 2 TO's, there's the thought in the kickers head of "maybe they're about to call a TO". It's always a dumb decision to use all timeouts trying to ice the kicker. 

  5. 13 minutes ago, Nivek said:

    Cause they wouldn’t dare try it against someone armed. These are the idiots whom God Mode was made for in video games.

    I like how their hero Dylan Roof had such a problem with the violent and criminal black people, so he acted by going into a church and killing a bunch of elderly, christian blacks. Didn’t wanna try his luck walking into a trap house or basketball court or anywhere in the hood. The Kentucky guy did the same thing pretty much.

  6. 6 hours ago, Llogg said:

    The horns down should not have been penalized but the ol took a step and the a punch as the other guy was walking away after the play was over. He deserved the flag. They should call that kind of stuff that tight more often. 

    A UT dlineman threw a punch the series before that & wasn’t even flagged.

  7. 1 minute ago, immortal13 said:

    That's just ridiculous. Why throw that ball? 

    In his head... "well I'll throw it up for grabs, and since it's a conversion attempt it doesn't even matter if they pick it. Oh fuck is he really about to run the whole field?" 

  8. 1 minute ago, Zavala said:

    Like everything with unsportsmanlike it's a grey area. If they just throw it up it's no big deal, everybody loves to hate the big boys. 

    If they wave it in Texas players, cheerleaders, cowboys/spurs faces, they deserve the unsportsmanlike. If they are taunting people with it they should get the penalty. 

    I didn't agree with the call on Sills in the first quarter after he did it. But when multiple WVU players did it & were yelling at the crowd after Grier ran in the 2-pointer, I agreed with the flag on that. Classless hicks.

  9. Seems to be a topic of much debate. It got flagged at least twice today when WVU players did it, and I know I've seen it flagged other times. Most of the time however it doesn't get flagged. Curious as to what people think about how it should be called. 

  10. 2 hours ago, midtown said:

    You shut your whorish mouth. 

    It was never Grimaldis but relative to pizza in Austin for a drunk/high college student it was damn good. 

    I actually did LOL right now. Grimaldi's is horrible as well. Remind me to never take pizza recommendations from you. 

  11. Ehlinger throws just 2 picks the entire rest of the season, and they both happen in Lubbock. He will also fumble exactly 1 time the rest of the year, and that will happen in the bowl game but a Texas player will recover it. He’ll throw exactly 2 touchdowns against Kansas, and rush for 2 more in that game. Ingram will score just 1 rushing TD the rest of the year. D. Davis will go pick 6 in the bowl game. Cosmi will commit a holding penalty in the 2nd quarter against WVU. 

    This is all the info the stars are giving me at the moment. 

  12. 5 hours ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    Sorry, I should have said "stereotypical Mexican" and "stereotypical Anglo-American" because you are a bad faith poster who nitpicks super granule distinctions from others (when if you read for meaning, you'd be able to infer) while providing none of your own (except to call people racists).

    Let me rephrase the point for you:

    The typical Honduran in the caravan has more, culturally, in common with the typical Mexican than the typical Anglo-American (and even Mexican-American if we are to believe the personas and VOC given on these threads that come up as justification as to why Beto can't excite/motivate the border votes and how Mexican-Americans are for the wall and are racist and vote R, etc.)

    Dark-skinned Mexicans and especially Central Americans are largely looked at as dogshit by fair-skinned Mexicans & the upper class in Mexico, and get treated as such. I was exposed to this myself as a child, as my great-aunts from Mexico blatantly told me that I was their favorite baby because I looked very white. They even told my darker-complected cousins and sister that they liked me more than them. Watch any TV program or telenovela in Mexico and see how well dark-skinned people are represented. Even with all the racists and hate here in America, this is arguably a more welcoming place to those in the caravan than Mexico would be. Many Mexicans would laugh in your face if you told them they had anything in common with a Honduran other than a language and religion. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Vic Mackey said:

    This is their 4th title in 14 years. I didn't get that at all. They are a force. Not some magical cinderella story. Hell they won 108 games and mowed through the playoffs as expected. One of the best teams of modern times. 

    And the #1 payroll by far in the game this year to boot. They were everything the Yankees (and most of the other contenders) tried to be this year. Can't remember another team breezing to a title like they did in the past decade. 

  14. 6 hours ago, Rex Kramer said:

    Since Colt. In the 9-win 2012 season, Ash looked average multiple times. And there are still people like Derka and Helobius that are critical of Sam last night, which is laughable. 

    Calling out defense individuals last night serves little purpose because the entire unit was terrible. Except calling out Hager should happen, because of his end-of-game antics, the hype (wearing #60 - what a crock), and certain few posters here that defend him as if he’s any sort of factor. 

    You’re such a fucking idiot, but what can one expect from a grown man that still throws around “faggot” as an insult (you called me that in the game thread). It’s insane that saying “bottom line is Sam played more than good enough to get the W” (direct quote of mine from last night) = me being critical of Sam. You can’t even handle NEUTRAL, not even negative, commentary on his play. You act like anyone that says anything less than Sam is  the greatest being to walk the earth since Christ is just being so unfathomably mean and critical to him. Go fuck yourself you self-righteous piece of shit.

    Also Westlake has won as many state titles as the Donna fucking Redskins, so go hang your awesome community pride hat on that you fucking asshole.

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