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Posts posted by Helobious

  1. 2 hours ago, SwanderedTalent said:

    I was baffled when I heard either Gus Johnson or Joel Klatt refer to Murray as either the "best" or "greatest" player in Texas HS FB history on the broadcast yesterday. Is he really even in the top ten?

    42-0 in 3 years as a starting QB and won 3 straight state titles at the highest classification, accounting for over 14,500 total yards and 186 touchdowns. Yeah he's a top 10 all time TX HS player. He's also an entitled prima dona little bitch, that doesn't change how utterly unstoppable he was in high school. 

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  2. I don’t think weed is that dangerous, but I do chuckle at the thought that it’s not addicting. I had this convo many times

    ”one of the good things about weed is that it’s not addicting, you can stop whenever you want and not have problems.”

    ”so then stop.”

    ”nah man I don’t want to it makes me feel really good and it’s not dangerous.” 

  3. 1 hour ago, Goo Punch said:

    i normally don't like to throw around terms like "moxie" and "it factor", but i don't think it's a coincidence that he had his best game of his career in the biggest game of his career. he definitely seemed to thrive on the atmosphere, and just looked very calm and confident the entire day. when i saw dicker on the sidelines smiling and winking and shit i wasn't buying it; he looked to me like he had nerves and was trying to convince himself that he was calm. sam didn't have the same look- he was calm and cool all day. 

    Ha, I actually had the same thought about Dicker. You could see in his eyes that he was scared as hell. But he faked it till he made it, literally. All that matters.

  4. 1 minute ago, GlenFromTheMailRoom said:

    Dude has knocked off a bunch of good teams in a row.  Give Sam his credit.

    That's no slight on Sam, he simply will not have Heisman-type stats at the end of the year given the offense we run. Tua is putting up video game stats on the way to an undefeated season, he'll win it with ease. I'd be shocked if Sam even gets an invite. No idea why you're so butthurt about it. It's an overrated award. 

  5. I never understood why CJ got blackballed by the coaching staff and fanbase for so long. Sure he sucked at blocking but the benching and hate he got for that was over the top. He's been the best WR on the team since he stepped on campus, and I haven't seen another receiver in college right now that can come down with a contested catch better than he can. Love how versatile LJH is, and he's exceptional running after the catch. Don't think he's an NFL receiver yet but he could develop into one.

  6. I’m not gonna make it if every game is like this. The Yankees could make it to game 7 of the World Series, and I’d still feel comfortable saying that we saw Stanton’s only hit of the postseason tonight. He’s hopelessly lost at the plate and will not have any impact going forward. Total waste of a roster spot at the moment.

    Lighting an extra candle in my Judge shrine tonight. I wish he could bat in all 9 lineup spots. Only guy on the team with no fear of Kimbrel. Of the 8 homers Kimbrel has given up this year, Judge has hit 2. 

  7. Yeah you can pick almost any point in time and the Yankees-Red Sox series would be about split down the middle since then. Not many rivalries you can say that about. 

    Hate the Red Sox, hate pretty much everything about Boston sports, but I can admit the Red Sox are just really really fucking good this year. Made a 100 win team a non-factor in the division race. No doubt in my mind, whoever wins this series is winning it all. 

  8. Lol at everyone who bursts into tears when Ehlinger is trashed but then turn around and do the same thing to Buechele. They're both guys that do the best they can for Texas, why you'd hate either one is beyond me. 

    Do I think either of them is a great QB? No, but I could be wrong. I do know it's unbelievably stupid to ink-in Ehlinger as the starter how the next 2.6 years like Rex is doing. Jalen Hurts won a national title and had a 24-2 record as a starter. If he can get benched, so can Ehlinger. 

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