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Posts posted by Helobious

  1. 46 minutes ago, Mac8111 said:

    Nice little story about our team making playoffs in their first year of varsity. Showdown on Nov 2nd with Wagner for the district championship should be a good one.

    http:// https://www.expressnews.com/sports/high-school/article/First-year-SA-Veterans-Memorial-clinches-playoff-13322563.php


    School’s been open for like 3 years, adding a class each year. Other recent SA schools (Steele, Johnson, Brennan, Brandeis) jumped into varsity play the year the school opened. Vets is also playing in a joke of a football district, I’d be shocked if they hadn’t made the playoffs. Color me unimpressed. 

    • Haha 1
  2. 10 hours ago, Rex Kramer said:

    Absolutely false. Being polite to cops / treating them with some cursory level of respect goes so far that in most instances it know no color. That and not dressing like an idiot (applies to all races) are huge factors in how you’ll be treated by cops. 

    You say things like "it know no color" and then accuse others of being idiots. 

  3. It warms my heart to see this legendary Mexican folktale turned into a movie. Scared me hearing the story as a kid and this movie looks like it has potential. The horror genre has really stepped up the game when it comes to trailers lately.


  4. On 10/14/2018 at 6:37 PM, Beau Vine said:


    Not gonna lie, this is the one trade that would really kill me.  

    I wouldn’t worry about that. The main word right now is that Machado will play 3rd and Andujar will be moved to 1st. We will take all your finest Patrick Corbins though.

  5. I'm on the younger end of the millenials, a few years from being born a Gen Z or whatever they call the post millenial group. I've never been alive without the internet, but I do vaguely remember the late 90s/early 2000s when the internet wasn't as much of a fabric of life as it is now. I grew up playing outside with my friends, playing sports, walking to school, playing video games, playing dodgeball in gym class. Facebook was big when I was in high school, and twitter was barely a thing, but snapchat and instagram weren't really around yet. From what I hear those are different animals from what myspace/facebook were. 

    I've always thought comparing generations was like comparing teams from different eras. A useless exercise given how much things have changed. 

  6. If you're into useless trivia, the last one was by none other than DJ Monroe against OK State in 2012

    Given the precarious future of the play in the sport of football, I'd really like to see UT get at least one more in before they're done away with. And that's all I really have to say about that I guess. 

  7. 4 hours ago, Lobo said:

    And thank you to Hobbes for encouraging suicide.  Pointing out facts is not the same as defending him.  Again, by your outstanding logic...several thousand officers of various Allied Forces who allowed his museum and visited his grave should have killed themselves for defending him, right?  Everyone that fights for a country during a war automatically belongs to that nation's in-power political party?   You're also gonna be really surprised when you find out why Rommel wasn't at Normandy.  He wasn't busy murdering Jews, it was his wife's birthday.  Christ, do you read books ever?  

    Is this moronic leap in logic that developed our current political climate.  All white people right of center in America are Nazis according to scholars of history like Hobbes.  And all people left of center are anti-American socialists in the eyes of Trump Supporters.  This is how we get here, by ignoring history, mental shortcuts, and telling people who recognize factual nuance in history that they should take their own lives whenever possible.  Outstanding stuff Hobbes.  You are officially dumber than Kanye West.  At least he gets money and a hot wife out of insanity.  What'd you get?  

    He wasn't a member of the Nazi party. He just used his talents and abilities to help them accomplish their objectives, in a very very big way. If you really stop and think about it, that actually makes him far worse than Joe German who simply joined the Nazis and agreed with their worldview. 


  8. 3 minutes ago, Zavala said:

    How was it delt with before big pharma created a pill to sell for every condition? 

    Pretty simple and obvious answer to helping those with a messed up past, works way better than the zombie pills.


    My deepest struggle with suicidal thoughts came a couple years ago, when I was still a "believer". It amplified my feelings of shame, inadequacy, failure, and guilt 10-fold. And gee that "afterlife" we talk about sure sounds better than this shitty place. Letting go of my religious beliefs helped me to clear my head, open up my mind to rationality, and appreciate the short time I have on earth way more. Religion is not a solution for everyone, in the same way that medication isn't a solution for everyone either. 

    • Like 4
  9. 49 minutes ago, Rex Kramer said:

    Okay Katy. I am. What are you going to do about it?

    I’m genuinely curious... what does being so vocally “anti-Shane” accomplish for you? What value does it bring to your life? 

    • Like 1
  10. 20 minutes ago, Vic Mackey said:

    Such a terrible broadcast. The insane amount of commercials. Suck ass yuk monkey announcers. Constant studio updates. Give me Fox any day over fucking ESPN.. 

    Fox is absolute trash at broadcasts. All the replays that they do that super zoom on the ball carrier so that you can't see anything else on the field drive me insane. It's completely built to attract people that know nothing about sports. Tons of commercial breaks as well. 

  11. Honest question: What was he like as a recruit? I remember him taking LT to some state title games but don't recall much else about him. Figured he was just another mediocre system QB that LT spits out. 

  12. 3 minutes ago, Rex Kramer said:

    I will complement him on his throws on the very last drive, all of which but one were very easy to complete. That and the CJ TD passes were his only good plays of the game. Overall he was a huge detriment to this team. He does not need to see the field any more. He’s the QB equivalent of Kyle Porter. 

    No love for his spin move to buy time in the pocket and toss to Beck? 

  13. 14 minutes ago, Vic Mackey said:

    Yes but no way in hell we are letting him throw in the situation today. Baylor knew that. And they stuffed it.

    I have never been a fan of the wildcat formation in general when it was all the craze starting a decade ago. I think the Dolphins kind of made it popular?

    They beat the Patriots with it in 2008 and that took it mainstream. 

  14. 3 minutes ago, Vic Mackey said:

    So you know exactly the severity of Sam's injury. Care to share?

    It was a pinched nerve, evidenced by the dead arm look and lack of a sling. It was wrapped under his hoodie but he was free to move his arm around and they wouldn’t allow that with a serious shoulder injury. If there was a game on Wednesday he’d be fine for it. There’s not another game for 2 weeks so he’ll be more than fine. 

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