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Everything posted by Pancho

  1. UConn won’t have to get on a plane until the Final Four. Must be nice
  2. We are a 9 seed in this bracket playing Nawfwestern in Charlotte
  3. It goes by how many live and dead balls there have been after that incident. It was legal and has been for damn near 15 years now
  4. The NIT is on life support after the recent changes combined with the portal. Mississippi declining isn’t a big deal and isn’t shocking. I believe Indiana has come out and declined as well. We are probably seeing the last of the NIT unless they correct heir recent changes.
  5. That would make 0 sense for Drew
  6. You’re trying too hard to get a dig in at Beard while propping up RT. Mississippi isn’t better than Texas this year and it’s not because of the coaching—it’s the players.
  7. Why would you come to this threat to post this? It’s stupid and idiotic.
  8. All 3 refs in this game will be reffing Texas games in the SEC next year
  9. And they tried to manifest CDC going to USC to harm UT. They failed at that. Now they hire Trev Alberts? WTF has Nebraska done in the last 20 years that warrants hiring Trev fucking Alberts? But hey, yall do yall…
  10. No, CDC did not make sure tech and UT play. I don’t even think the ADs give a shit about what a basketball team schedules in terms of a tournament.
  11. Hiring Trev Alberts from Nebraska as your next AD certainly is….a choice
  12. I’m in Barcelona so I can admit to too much wine and tapas when posting. However, my point remains—college athletes would go to Fresno if Fresno was a good program. If Fresno was like a Gonzaga and you got an offer to go Fresno or Oregon State (who is shit in basketball), which are you choosing? Same for Beard at Mississippi. He has a name but that program is shit and has always been shit. I’m not sure if his name alone is enough to get recruits to go there, which is another reason I could see Louisville taking a hard look at him.
  13. It really gets started today. No more KC after this, thank the lordt
  14. I believe that’s why @immamac retitled the sub form to UT Womens Sports. Now should that be a sub forrum or a forum on its own, well that’s his decision to make.
  15. Which is nothing of what I said. You are fucking dumb
  16. Weird. I made the same argument about the university of Mississippi and was told by a certain poster that he knows EVERY Black athlete accepts any D1 scholarship offered regardless of where it’s at. And no, location isn’t that important. Would you take a scholarship being coached by Coach K at Fresno State or by Rodney Terry at Texas?
  17. Once again, this is your personal choice. There are students everyday who chose to live in Fresno and go to Fresno State over other P12 schools. I have signed their paperwork. I personally know them. It has nothing to do with the city. That is your—a fans—simplistic perspective. Just because you chose not to do that doesn’t mean everyone is choosing to do that.
  18. Yours is also a dumb take. The quote above is For YOU as a person with a job. You’re not thinking like a college student who has loans to pay back. For them, going to Fresno State is fine.
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