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Everything posted by Pancho

  1. I didn’t see shit talking from FSU about how they should have been in over Texas. I did, however, see them say they should have been in over Alabama. The only fans who thought Texas took FSU’s spot are aggy. Also, can someone explain from that Mock 2024 playoff graphic how Texas would have been the 6th seed this year and Arizona was the 4th seed? EDIT: Nevermind, they were projecting 2024 based on this years standings but from the perspective of next years conferences. I think…
  2. Thought the team did well in regrouping after that first quarter. It’s the first game after the Rori news so I imagine the team had so many emotions. I’m going to think positive and believe Vic and staff will adjust and we will be fine. I don’t think we are in line for a FF anymore but 2nd weekend would be good
  3. The best part is Mississippi (as much as I hate those racist fucks) is a better program than aggy, so as long as they keep doing that this is me:
  4. You’ve just described pretty much every forum on this board
  5. Lol Quinn did speak with media yesterday and a media person said this photo was taken with about 5 min left in the 45 min presser. Still hilarious though
  6. Context Reddit is all encompassing and has niche forums so pretty much anyone can find their own specialized community based on their interest. We have people here complaining that Surly has too many forums. My original thought above specified college message boards, and I still think that could be true. You also have to consider the demographic of college message board to communities in Reddit. It’s really, really different.
  7. They’ll beat aggy at aggy though, and that will be glorious.
  8. At least that charity is getting $1000 now
  9. Well that’s different. I don’t consider DT what it was originally intended to be. I just consider it another arm of the CR, and it’s been that way for a few years now. Yes, that needs to be addressed. I don’t go into the 6th street forum so you could be right. I mean, would you want a board that alienated liberal Longhorns a la TexAgs? It sounds like some are saying the board needs a more conservative slant because that’s what *most* Longhorns are. If that’s the case, then how is that different from the aggy, tech, or Baylor message boards? Were there complaints about the political forums on HF or Shaggy? I doubt there were because HF leaned right to far right and Shaggy was right of center. Did people complain about the politics board then? And I think it needs to be thought about that maybe younger folks just aren’t into college message boards, especially with the progression of social media outlets. I just don’t think creating social media platforms for Surly is going to drive people to this board. If anything it will just drive up the number of followers on that account meaning more content on those accounts will need to be generated. It’s highly possible the “message board generation” of the late 90s, 2000s, and 2010s is just for that generation? Just a quick glance at message boards for random colleges across the country, and Jesus some of those threads haven’t seen new posts in a long time. A few forums have threads on the first page of the football board from August.
  10. But what problems though? CR doesn’t spill out into the other parts of the board. That one “poster” made shit up. I don’t think he said the CR is the cause of a lack of engagement. If people don’t like the topics or can’t handle what’s being thrown at them in CR, then a.) why are you even on this board but b.) don’t go in there. That seems so simple that most of the alcoholic here can understand that, right?
  11. I live out of state and still own my home in Houston. My realtor takes care of any issues that come up, and if anything needs to be fixed, my tenant (great guy) reaches out and I make a few calls to get it taken care of. Since I don’t live in Texas, this can be a bit of an inconvenience; however, my house is so new that most of the issues thus far have been very minor. I will say, finding tenants (I think this current tenant is going to move out because he’s being relocated for work) is a hassle. A friend who I went to UT with owns multiple houses in Houston and New Braunfels and says I should use her rental agency but they do charge more than she really likes when it comes to finding a tenant. I feel it’s easier to be the landlord if I still lived in Texas and selling seems like an easy route, but I also don’t want to give up my house too soon as it’s a great investment and in a great location. Pros and cons of being a landlord?
  12. Maybe Iowa State should have pretended they were playing Texas instead….
  13. Getting this thread back on track… They are writing more open letters to players:
  14. I mean this in the most sincere way— are you in a time zone that’s 12 hrs behind us?
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